- LegumeMine
- combines genomic and expression data from the mines listed below.
- AeschynomeneMine
- Aeschynomene evenia
- ArachisMine
- Arachis cardenasii, duranensis, ipaensis, hypogaea
- CajanusMine
- Cajanus cajan
- CicerMine
- Cicer arietinum, echinospermum, reticulatum
- GlycineMine
- Glycine max, soja and a number of perennial species
- LensMine
- Lens culinaris, ervoide
- LupinusMine
- Lupinus albus, angustifolius
- MedicagoMine
- Medicago polymorpha, ruthenica, sativa, truncatula
- PhaseolusMine
- Phaseolus acutifolius, vulgaris, lunatus
- VignaMine
- Vigna angularis, radiata, unguiculata
User accounts: you are encouraged to create a standalone account on any individual mine using your email address.
By creating a user account on a mine, you will be able to store your own lists, queries, and templates on that mine.
Neither your user profile on the mine nor your Google user data is used by NCGR or LIS in any way, or shared with anyone else.
The Legume Information System (LIS) is funded by the