
Search this mine. Enter names, identifiers or keywords. Examples: Glyma.01G086900, GlysoPI483463.06G132100, BARC-017645-02637, Allene oxide cyclase, Seed yield 4-1, Sujan Mamidi.

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Enter a list of identifiers, e.g. (Gene):
Glyma.01G000750, Glyma.01G036125
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Welcome to the LIS GlycineMine!

This mine integrates genetic and genomic data for soybean, and other Glycine species. It is built with data from the LIS Datastore and SoyBase. Contact us: mines at ncgr dot org. (October, 2023)

GlycineMine is sourced from files found on the LIS datastore and SoyBase This mine currently contains 53 genome assemblies and annotations, 26 GWAS, 313 QTL studies on 26 genetic maps, 21 genetic marker sets, and 1 expression atlas. Take a look at the templates under GENETICS below to see how to find GWAS and QTLs for your traits of interest! This particular update adds LIS pan-gene sets.

Genomic queries, leading to genes and other chromosome features. Read more

Query for genomics:

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Queries on homology, synteny, etc. Read more

Query for comparison:

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Queries on GO terms, etc. Read more

Query for function:

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Queries on gene expression, resulting in gene lists. Read more

Query for expression:

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Queries on genetic data: QTLs, genetic maps, markers, etc. Read more

Query for genetics:

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Queries resulting in publication lists. Read more

Query for publications:

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Perl, Python, Ruby and Java API

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Access our GlycineMine data via our Application Programming Interface (API) too! We provide client libraries in the following languages:

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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
LegumeMine || ArachisMine | CicerMine | GlycineMine | LensMine | LupinusMine | PhaseolusMine | VignaMine | MedicagoMine
InterMine © 2002 - 2022 Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EH, United Kingdom