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LIS Datastore: species descriptions
Cicer arietinum organism and strain information.
Cicer echinospermum organism and strain information.
Cicer reticulatum organism and strain information.
Lotus japonicus organism and strain information.
Medicago truncatula organism and strain information.
Trifolium pratense organism and strain information.
LIS Datastore: genome assemblies
Cicer reticulatum genotype Besev079 genome assembly v1
Genome assembly of Cicer arietinum CDCFrontier (kabuli variety).
Cicer arietinum genotype CDCFrontier genome assembly v2.0
Cicer arietinum genotype CDCFrontier genome assembly v3
Genome assembly of Cicer arietinum ICC4958 (desi variety).
Cicer echinospermum genotype S2Drd065 genome assembly v1
LIS Datastore: genome annotation
Cicer reticulatum annotation v1 for genotype Besev079 genome assembly v1
genome annotation of Cicer arietium (kabuli variety)
genome annotation of Cicer arietium (kabuli variety)
Genome annotation v1 of Cicer arietium genotype CDC Frontier assembly v3
genome annotation of Cicer arietium (desi variety)
Cicer arietinum genotype S2Drd065 genome assembly v1 annotation v1
LIS Datastore: synteny
Synteny calculations between Cicer arietinum CDCFrontier (kabuli variety) and other species and accessions.
Synteny calculations between Cicer arietinum ICC4958 (desi variety) and other species and accessions.
LIS Datastore: gene expression
Study of nitrogen effects on gene expression from chickpea genotype CDC_Consul, with reads mapped to the CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 genome annotation.
Study of development in a hybrid chickpea genotype, with reads mapped to the CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 genome annotation.
Study of drought stress effects on gene expression from contrasting drought tolerance chickpea genotypes ICC14778 and ICC8058, with reads mapped to the CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 genome annotation.
Study of gene expression in contrasting salt tolerance chickpea genotypes Genesis836 and Rupali, mapped to the CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 genome annotation.
Study of Phytophthora effects on gene expression from differing PRR resistance chickpea genotypes Rupali and Yorker, mapped to the CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 genome annotation.
Chickpea Transcriptome Atlas - I
LIS Datastore: other
Pangene set for Cicer species, based on C. arietinum, C. echinospermum, and reticulatum. This pangene set includes 12 annotation sets.
gene families and phylogenetic trees for the legume family
Chickpea Crop Ontology
Gene Ontology
InterMine post-processor
Plant Ontology
Plant Trait Ontology
Sequence Ontology
InterMine © 2002 - 2022 Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EH, United Kingdom