GO Term : GO:1990257 piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle Gene Ontology

Description  A cytoplasmic dense-core vesicle that transports a range of proteins including piccolo, bassoon, N-cadherin and syntaxin. The transported proteins may be associated with the external side of the vesicle, rather than being contained within the vesicle, therefore forming an aggregate of vesicle and proteins. Piccolo-bassoon transport vesicles (or PTVs) range in size from approximately 80 nm in diameter for dense core vesicles to 130 nm by 220 nm in area for aggregates. They are packaged via the trans-Golgi network before being transported through the axon.
Namespace  cellular_component
Obsolete  false

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology

Trail: GOTerm

0 Ontology Annotations

11 Parents

Trail: GOTerm

12 Relations

Trail: GOTerm

1 Synonyms

Trail: GOTerm
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