GO Term : GO:0030507 spectrin binding Gene Ontology

Description  Interacting selectively and non-covalently with spectrin, a protein that is the major constituent of the erythrocyte cytoskeletal network. It associates with band 4.1 (see band protein) and actin to form the cytoskeletal superstructure of the erythrocyte plasma membrane. It is composed of nonhomologous chains, alpha and beta, which aggregate side-to-side in an antiparallel fashion to form dimers, tetramers, and higher polymers.
Namespace  molecular_function
Obsolete  false

0 Cross References

1 Data Sets

Trail: GOTerm

1 Ontology

Trail: GOTerm

1 Ontology Annotations

Trail: GOTerm

6 Parents

Trail: GOTerm

5 Relations

Trail: GOTerm

0 Synonyms

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