GO Term : GO:0032258 cytoplasm to vacuole transport by the Cvt pathway Gene Ontology

Description  A cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway that uses machinery common with autophagy. The Cvt vesicle is formed when the receptor protein, Atg19, binds to the complexes of the target protein (aminopeptidase or alpha-mannosidase homododecamers), forming the Cvt complex. Atg11 binds to Atg9 and transports the Cvt complex to the pre-autophagosome (PAS). The phagophore membrane expands around the Cvt complex (excluding bulk cytoplasm) forming the Cvt vesicle. This pathway is mostly observed in yeast.
Namespace  biological_process
Obsolete  false

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1 Ontology

Trail: GOTerm

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27 Parents

Trail: GOTerm

35 Relations

Trail: GOTerm

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Trail: GOTerm
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