GO Term : GO:0045039 protein insertion into mitochondrial inner membrane Gene Ontology

Description  The processes mediating the insertion of proteins into the mitochondrial inner membrane. Mitochondrial inner membrane proteins can get inserted from the cytosol, by crossing the outer membrane and being guided by an inner membrane translocase complex into their final destination in the inner membrane. Some proteins present in the intermembrane space can get inserted into the inner mitochondrial membrane. Finally, some proteins are inserted into the inner membrane from the matrix side of the membrane.
Namespace  biological_process
Obsolete  false

0 Cross References

8 Data Sets

Trail: GOTerm

1 Ontology

Trail: GOTerm

12 Ontology Annotations

Trail: GOTerm

38 Parents

Trail: GOTerm

66 Relations

Trail: GOTerm

3 Synonyms

Trail: GOTerm
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