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Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the exonucleolytic cleavage in either 5' to 3' or 3' to 5' direction to yield 5'-phosphomononucleotides.
GO Term
Description: An enzyme complex that catalyzes exonucleolytic cleavage in either 5' to 3' or 3' to 5' direction to yield nucleoside 5'-phosphates; it prefers single-stranded DNA.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: acetyl-CoA + H2O + oxaloacetate = citrate + CoA, where the acetyl group is added to the si-face of oxaloacetate; acetyl-CoA thus provides the two carbon atoms of the pro-S carboxymethyl group.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of ferrous iron (Fe(II) or Fe2+) ions from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to a nucleoside residue in an mRNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: The posttranscriptional addition of methyl groups to specific residues in an mRNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal, non-reducing beta-D-glucose residues with release of beta-D-glucose.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of cellulose, a linear beta1-4 glucan of molecular mass 50-400 kDa with the pyranose units in the -4C1 conformation.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 reduced ferredoxin + 2 H+ = 2 oxidized ferredoxin + H2.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: malonyl-CoA + [acyl-carrier protein] = CoA + malonyl-[acyl-carrier protein].
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: dimethylallyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate = diphosphate + geranyl diphosphate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the formation of the linkage between a protein and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. The reaction probably occurs by subjecting a peptide bond to nucleophilic attack by the amino group of ethanolamine-GPI, transferring the protein from a signal peptide to the GPI anchor.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: oxaloacetate = pyruvate + CO2.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of sodium ions (Na+) from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transposition of transposable elements or transposons. Transposases are involved in recombination required for transposition and are site-specific for the transposon/transposable element.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in a type of transpositional recombination which occurs via a DNA intermediate.
GO Term
Description: The union of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: O-phospho-L-homoserine + H2O = L-threonine + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Any member of a family of organelles found in the cytoplasm of plants and some protists, which are membrane-bounded and contain DNA. Plant plastids develop from a common type, the proplastid.
GO Term
Description: Cleavage of the 3'-end of the pre-tRNA as part of the process of generating the mature 3'-end of the tRNA; may involve endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic cleavage, or both.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the tumor necrosis factor receptor.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the rate of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances.
GO Term
Description: The process of directing proteins towards and into the mitochondrion, usually mediated by mitochondrial proteins that recognize signals contained within the imported protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: RSO-R' + H2O = RSOOH + R'H. This reaction is the hydrolysis of any sulfuric ester bond, any ester formed from sulfuric acid, O=SO(OH)2.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which potassium ions may cross a cell membrane in response to changes in membrane potential.
GO Term
Description: The process in which the anatomical structures of the flower are generated and organized.
GO Term
Description: Initiation of a somatic embryo-an embryo arising from previously differentiated somatic cells, rather than from fused haploid gametes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating flooding, short-term immersion in water.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving siderophores, low molecular weight Fe(III)-chelating substances made by aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria, especially when growing under iron deficient conditions. The complexes of Fe(3+)-siderophores have very high stability constants and are taken up by specific transport systems by microorganisms; the subsequent release of iron requires enzymatic action.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of cholesterol, cholest-5-en-3-beta-ol, out of a cell or organelle.
GO Term
Description: The reorganization or renovation of existing tissues. This process can either change the characteristics of a tissue such as in blood vessel remodeling, or result in the dynamic equilibrium of a tissue such as in bone remodeling.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a relatively unspecialized monocyte acquires the specialized features of an osteoclast. An osteoclast is a specialized phagocytic cell associated with the absorption and removal of the mineralized matrix of bone tissue.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of bone remodeling, the processes of bone formation and resorption that combine to maintain skeletal integrity.
GO Term
Description: The process in which specialized cells known as osteoclasts degrade the organic and inorganic portions of bone, and endocytose and transport the degradation products.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of myeloid cell differentiation.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a melanocyte.
GO Term
Description: The developmental process that results in the deposition of coloring matter in an organism, tissue or cell.
GO Term
Description: Any process in which the force of blood traveling through the circulatory system is decreased.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of amylose or an amylose derivative.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of actin polymerization.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with NF-kappaB, a transcription factor for eukaryotic RNA polymerase II promoters.
GO Term
Description: The process of introducing a phosphate group to a tyrosine residue of a STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) protein.
GO Term
Description: The series of events by which a mechanical stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal.
GO Term
Description: Cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) are enzyme complexes that contain a kinase catalytic subunit associated with a regulatory cyclin partner.
GO Term
Description: The extension of new blood vessels from existing vessels into avascular tissues, this process includes the specialization of endothelial cells into leading tip and stalk cells, proliferation and migration of the endothelial cells and cell adhesion resulting in angiogenic sprout fusion or lumen formation.
GO Term
Description: The 5' to 3' exonucleolytic resection of the DNA at the site of the break to form a 3' single-strand DNA overhang.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of basic amino acids, amino acids with a pH above 7, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of movement along a microtubule toward the plus end, coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP.
GO Term
Description: Any process that reduces the internal pH of a cell, measured by the concentration of the hydrogen ion.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the internal pH of a cell, measured by the concentration of the hydrogen ion.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a junction between cells.
GO Term
Description: The establishment of the sex of an organism by physical differentiation.
GO Term
Description: The addition of a hydroxy group to a protein amino acid.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of succinate, the dianion of ethane dicarboxylic acid, from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: A heterodimer of tubulins alpha and beta that constitutes the protomer for microtubule assembly.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a polyphosphate, the anion or salt of polyphosphoric acid.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a precursor cell type acquires the specialized features of an alpha-beta T cell. An alpha-beta T cell is a T cell that expresses an alpha-beta T cell receptor complex.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the introduction of a phosphate group to a tyrosine residue of a STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) protein.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of Ras protein signal transduction.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a low-density lipoprotein particle, a lipoprotein particle that is rich in cholesterol esters and low in triglycerides, is typically composed of APOB100 and APOE, and has a density of 1.02-1.06 g/ml and a diameter of between 20-25 nm.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a lipoprotein particle. A lipoprotein particle, also known as a lipoprotein, is a clathrate complex consisting of a lipid enwrapped in a protein host without covalent binding in such a way that the complex has a hydrophilic outer surface consisting of all the protein and the polar ends of any phospholipids.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein-lipid complex, any macromolecular complex that contains both protein and lipid molecules.
GO Term
Description: The process of introducing a phosphate group on to an amino acid residue in the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. Typically, this occurs during the transcription cycle and results in production of an RNA polymerase II enzyme where the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit is extensively phosphorylated, often referred to as hyperphosphorylated or the II(0) form. Specific types of phosphorylation within the CTD are usually associated with specific regions of genes, though there are exceptions. The phosphorylation state regulates the association of specific complexes such as the capping enzyme or 3'-RNA processing machinery to the elongating RNA polymerase complex.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving any proteoglycan containing heparan sulfate, any member of a group of glycosaminoglycans that have repeat units consisting of alternating alpha-(1->4)-linked hexuronic acid and glucosamine residues, the former being a mixture of sulfated and nonsulfated D-glucuronic and L-iduronic acids, and the latter being either sulfated or acetylated on its amino group as well as sulfated on one of its hydroxyl groups.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of secondary alcohol.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving ergosterol, (22E)-ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3-beta-ol, a sterol found in ergot, yeast and moulds. It is the most important of the D provitamins and is converted to vitamin D2 on irradiation with UV light.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, any glycoprotein whose glycosaminoglycan units are chondroitin sulfate. Chondroitin sulfates are a group of 10-60 kDa glycosaminoglycans, widely distributed in cartilage and other mammalian connective tissues; the repeat units consist of beta-(1,4)-linked D-glucuronyl beta-(1,3)-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine sulfate.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, any glycoprotein whose glycosaminoglycan units are chondroitin sulfate. Chondroitin sulfates are a group of 10-60 kDa glycosaminoglycans, widely distributed in cartilage and other mammalian connective tissues; the repeat units consist of beta-(1,4)-linked D-glucuronyl beta-(1,3)-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine sulfate.
GO Term
Description: Any process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of peptidase activity, the hydrolysis of peptide bonds within proteins.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the activity of a cysteine-type endopeptidase involved in the apoptotic process.
GO Term
Description: The process in which the anatomical structures of a dendritic spine are generated and organized. A dendritic spine is a protrusion from a dendrite and a specialized subcellular compartment involved in synaptic transmission.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the physical form of a postsynapse.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a lipoprotein particle is removed from the blood via receptor-mediated endocytosis and its constituent parts degraded.
GO Term
Description: The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B cell during an immune response, resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of lymphocyte mediated immunity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an immunoglobulin mediated immune response.
GO Term
Description: The process in which immunoglobulin genes are formed through recombination of the germline genetic elements, as known as immunoglobulin gene segments, within a single locus.
GO Term
Description: Extended zone of intimate apposition between two cells containing one or more types of intercellular junctions, e.g., the intercalated disk of muscle.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving chondroitin sulfate, any member of a group of 10-60 kDa glycosaminoglycans, widely distributed in cartilage and other mammalian connective tissues, the repeat units of which consist of beta-(1,4)-linked D-glucuronyl beta-(1,3)-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine sulfate. They usually occur linked to a protein to form proteoglycans. Two subgroups exist, one in which the sulfate is on the 4-position (chondroitin sulfate A) and the second in which it is in the 6-position (chondroitin sulfate C). They often are polydisperse and often differ in the degree of sulfation from tissue to tissue. The chains of repeating disaccharide are covalently linked to the side chains of serine residues in the polypeptide backbone of a protein by a glycosidic attachment through the trisaccharide unit galactosyl-galactosyl-xylosyl. Chondroitin sulfate B is more usually known as dermatan sulfate.
GO Term
Description: The assembly and organization of the sperm flagellar axoneme, the bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of the eukaryotic sperm flagellum, and is responsible for movement.
GO Term
Description: Enables the directed movement of phosphatidylcholine into, out of or within a cell, or between cells. Phosphatidylcholine refers to a class of glycerophospholipids in which the phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of choline.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a fibroblast growth factor.
GO Term
Description: The multiplication or reproduction of endothelial cells, resulting in the expansion of a cell population. Endothelial cells are thin flattened cells which line the inside surfaces of body cavities, blood vessels, and lymph vessels, making up the endothelium.
GO Term
Description: The process of assembly of a ring composed of actin, myosin, and associated proteins that will function in cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: A process which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an actomyosin contractile ring.
GO Term
Description: Any actomyosin contractile ring assembly that is involved in mitotic cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: The assembly and arrangement of an apparatus composed of actin, myosin, and associated proteins that will function in cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: The inner segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor containing mitochondria, ribosomes and membranes where opsin molecules are assembled and passed to be part of the outer segment discs.
GO Term
Description: A tissue homeostatic process involved in the maintenance of an internal equilibrium within the retina of the eye, including control of cellular proliferation and death and control of metabolic function.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of any conjugated, water-soluble protein in which the covalently attached nonprotein group consists of a lipid or lipids.
GO Term
Description: A complex cell-cell junction at which myofibrils terminate in cardiomyocytes; mediates mechanical and electrochemical integration between individual cardiomyocytes. The intercalated disc contains regions of tight mechanical attachment (fasciae adherentes and desmosomes) and electrical coupling (gap junctions) between adjacent cells.
GO Term
Description: Development of a photoreceptor, a sensory cell in the eye that reacts to the presence of light. They usually contain a pigment that undergoes a chemical change when light is absorbed, thus stimulating a nerve.
GO Term
Description: The formation of the bundles of intermediate filaments. Intermediate filament-associated proteins (IFAPs) cross-link intermediate filaments with one another, forming a bundle or a network, and with other cell structures, including the plasma membrane. The organization of intermediate filaments and their supportive function in various cells types depends in large part on their linkage to other cell structures via IFAPs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response.
GO Term
Description: The attachment of presynaptic membrane to postsynaptic membrane via adhesion molecules that are at least partially embedded in the plasma membrane.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transmembrane transfer of an ion by a channel that opens when a cyclic nucleotide has been bound by the channel complex or one of its constituent parts.
GO Term
Description: Recombination occurring within or between DNA molecules in somatic cells.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a UDP-galactose from one side of a membrane to the other. UDP-galactose is a substance composed of galactose in glycosidic linkage with uridine diphosphate.
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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
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