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Search results 701 to 800 out of 2386 for *

Category restricted to SOTerm (x)



Category: SOTerm
Type Details Score
SO Term
Description: 5' most region of a precursor transcript that is clipped off during processing.
SO Term
Description: 3'-most region of a precursor transcript that is clipped off during processing.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene including more than one C-gene.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene in germline configuration including more than one D-gene.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene in germline configuration including at least one D-gene and one J-gene.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene in rearranged configuration including at least one V-gene, one DJ-gene, one J-gene and one C-gene.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene in rearranged configuration including at least one V-gene, one VDJ-gene, one J-gene and one C-gene.
SO Term
Description: Genomic DNA of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene in rearranged configuration including at least one V-gene, one VJ-gene, one J-gene and one C-gene.
SO Term
Description: A chromosome may be generated by recombination between two inversions; presumed to have a deficiency or duplication at each end of the inversion.
SO Term
Description: A promoter that can allow for transcription in both directions.
SO Term
Description: An attribute of a feature that occurred as the product of a reverse transcriptase mediated event.
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a microRNA (miRNA).
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA).
SO Term
Description: Regions of the chromosome that are important for structural elements.
SO Term
Description: A region of chromosome where the spindle fibers attach during mitosis and meiosis.
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA).
SO Term
Description: A locatable feature on a transcript that is edited.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding a methylation guide small nucleolar RNA.
SO Term
Description: A structure consisting of a 7-methylguanosine in 5'-5' triphosphate linkage with the first nucleotide of an mRNA. It is added post-transcriptionally, and is not encoded in the DNA.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding an rRNA cleavage snoRNA.
SO Term
Description: The region of a transcript that will be edited.
SO Term
Description: A tmRNA liberates a mRNA from a stalled ribosome. To accomplish this part of the tmRNA is used as a reading frame that ends in a translation stop signal. The broken mRNA is replaced in the ribosome by the tmRNA and translation of the tmRNA leads to addition of a proteolysis tag to the incomplete protein enabling recognition by a protease. Recently a number of permuted tmRNAs genes have been found encoded in two parts. TmRNAs have been identified in eubacteria and some chloroplasts but are absent from archeal and Eukaryote nuclear genomes.
SO Term
Description: snoRNA that is associated with guiding methylation of nucleotides. It contains two short conserved sequence motifs: C (RUGAUGA) near the 5-prime end and D (CUGA) near the 3-prime end.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding a tmRNA (SO:0000584).
SO Term
Description: Group I catalytic introns are large self-splicing ribozymes. They catalyze their own excision from mRNA, tRNA and rRNA precursors in a wide range of organisms. The core secondary structure consists of 9 paired regions (P1-P9). These fold to essentially two domains, the P4-P6 domain (formed from the stacking of P5, P4, P6 and P6a helices) and the P3-P9 domain (formed from the P8, P3, P7 and P9 helices). Group I catalytic introns often have long ORFs inserted in loop regions.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding a signal recognition particle RNA.
SO Term
Description: The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a universally conserved ribonucleoprotein. It is involved in the co-translational targeting of proteins to membranes. The eukaryotic SRP consists of a 300-nucleotide 7S RNA and six proteins: SRPs 72, 68, 54, 19, 14, and 9. Archaeal SRP consists of a 7S RNA and homologues of the eukaryotic SRP19 and SRP54 proteins. In most eubacteria, the SRP consists of a 4.5S RNA and the Ffh protein (a homologue of the eukaryotic SRP54 protein). Eukaryotic and archaeal 7S RNAs have very similar secondary structures, with eight helical elements. These fold into the Alu and S domains, separated by a long linker region. Eubacterial SRP is generally a simpler structure, with the M domain of Ffh bound to a region of the 4.5S RNA that corresponds to helix 8 of the eukaryotic and archaeal SRP S domain. Some Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Bacillus subtilis), however, have a larger SRP RNA that also has an Alu domain. The Alu domain is thought to mediate the peptide chain elongation retardation function of the SRP. The universally conserved helix which interacts with the SRP54/Ffh M domain mediates signal sequence recognition. In eukaryotes and archaea, the SRP19-helix 6 complex is thought to be involved in SRP assembly and stabilizes helix 8 for SRP54 binding.
SO Term
Description: A pseudoknot which contains two stems and at least two loops.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding a small nucleolar RNA of the box H/ACA family.
SO Term
Description: Members of the box H/ACA family contain an ACA triplet, exactly 3 nt upstream from the 3' end and an H-box in a hinge region that links two structurally similar functional domains of the molecule. Both boxes are important for snoRNA biosynthesis and function. A few box H/ACA snoRNAs are involved in rRNA processing; most others are known or predicted to participate in selection of uridine nucleosides in rRNA to be converted to pseudouridines. Site selection is mediated by direct base pairing of the snoRNA with rRNA through one or both targeting domains.
SO Term
Description: A short 3'-uridylated RNA that can form a duplex (except for its post-transcriptionally added oligo_U tail (SO:0000609)) with a stretch of mature edited mRNA.
SO Term
Description: Edited mRNA sequence mediated by a single guide RNA (SO:0000602).
SO Term
Description: A region containing or overlapping no genes that is bounded on either side by a gene, or bounded by a gene and the end of the chromosome.
SO Term
Description: Edited mRNA sequence mediated by two or more overlapping guide RNAs (SO:0000602).
SO Term
Description: The region of an edited transcript that will not be edited.
SO Term
Description: snoRNA that is associated with guiding polyuridylation. It contains two short conserved sequence motifs: H box (ANANNA) and ACA (ACA).
SO Term
Description: The string of non-encoded U's at the 3' end of a guide RNA (SO:0000602).
SO Term
Description: Sequence of about 100 nucleotides of A added to the 3' end of most eukaryotic mRNAs.
SO Term
Description: A pyrimidine rich sequence near the 3' end of an intron to which the 5'end becomes covalently bound during nuclear splicing. The resulting structure resembles a lariat.
SO Term
Description: The polypyrimidine tract is one of the cis-acting sequence elements directing intron removal in pre-mRNA splicing.
SO Term
Description: A terminator signal for bacterial transcription.
SO Term
Description: A signal for RNA polymerase to terminate transcription.
SO Term
Description: A terminator signal for RNA polymerase III transcription.
SO Term
Description: The base where transcription ends.
SO Term
Description: This type of promoter recruits RNA pol III. This promoter is intragenic and includes an A box, an intermediate element, and a C box. This is well conserved in the 5s rRNA promoters across species.
SO Term
Description: This type of promoter recruits RNA pol III to transcribe genes mainly for t-RNA. This promoter is intragenic and includes an A box and a B box.
SO Term
Description: A variably distant linear promoter region recognized by TFIIIC, with consensus sequence TGGCnnAGTGG.
SO Term
Description: A variably distant linear promoter region recognized by TFIIIC, with consensus sequence AGGTTCCAnnCC.
SO Term
Description: This type of promoter recruits RNA pol III to transcribe predominantly noncoding RNAs. This promoter contains a proximal sequence element (PSE) and a TATA box upstream of the gene that it regulates. Transcription can also be activated by a distal sequence element (DSE), which is located further upstream.
SO Term
Description: An RNA polymerase III type 1 promoter with consensus sequence CAnnCCn.
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a small nuclear RNA (snRNA).
SO Term
Description: A specific structure at the end of a linear chromosome, required for the integrity and maintenance of the end.
SO Term
Description: A regulatory region which upon binding of transcription factors, suppress the transcription of the gene or genes they control.
SO Term
Description: A regulatory region that 1) when located between a CRM and a gene's promoter prevents the CRM from modulating that genes expression and 2) acts as a chromatin boundary element or barrier that can block the encroachment of condensed chromatin from an adjacent region.
SO Term
Description: An open reading frame found within the 5' UTR that can be translated and stall the translation of the downstream open reading frame.
SO Term
Description: A start codon upstream of the ORF.
SO Term
Description: A region of UTR.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding for more than one gene product.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describing a sequence that contains the code for one gene product.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding for one gene product.
SO Term
Description: A transcript that is monocistronic.
SO Term
Description: An mRNA with either a single protein product, or for which the regions encoding all its protein products overlap.
SO Term
Description: An mRNA that encodes multiple proteins from at least two non-overlapping regions.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript that donates the spliced leader to other mRNA.
SO Term
Description: Snall nuclear RNAs that are incorporated into the pre-mRNAs to replace the 5' end in some eukaryotes.
SO Term
Description: A plasmid that is engineered.
SO Term
Description: A region of an rRNA primary transcript.
SO Term
Description: Part of an rRNA transcription unit that is transcribed but discarded during maturation, not giving rise to any part of rRNA.
SO Term
Description: Non-coding regions of DNA sequence that separate genes coding for the 28S, 5.8S, and 18S ribosomal RNAs.
SO Term
Description: Non-coding regions of DNA that precede the sequence that codes for the ribosomal RNA.
SO Term
Description: A region of a repeating tetranucleotide sequence (four bases).
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a signal recognition particle RNA (SRP RNA).
SO Term
Description: A repeat region containing tandemly repeated sequences having a unit length of 10 to 40 bp.
SO Term
Description: A small RNA molecule that is the product of a longer exogenous or endogenous dsRNA, which is either a bimolecular duplex or very long hairpin, processed (via the Dicer pathway) such that numerous siRNAs accumulate from both strands of the dsRNA. siRNAs trigger the cleavage of their target molecules.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript encoding a micro RNA.
SO Term
Description: Cytosolic 5S rRNA is an RNA component of the large subunit of cytosolic ribosomes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
SO Term
Description: Cytosolic 28S rRNA is an RNA component of the large subunit of cytosolic ribosomes in metazoan eukaryotes.
SO Term
Description: A mitochondrial gene located in a maxicircle.
SO Term
Description: A maxicircle is a replicon, part of a kinetoplast, that contains open reading frames and replicates via a rolling circle method.
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a small temporal RNA (stRNA). Found in roundworm development.
SO Term
Description: A repeat that is located at dispersed sites in the genome.
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA).
SO Term
Description: A region that can be transcribed into a transfer RNA (tRNA).
SO Term
Description: A region of a chromosome that has been introduced by backcrossing with a separate species.
SO Term
Description: An intron (mitochondrial, chloroplast, nuclear or prokaryotic) that encodes a double strand sequence specific endonuclease allowing for mobility.
SO Term
Description: A match against an EST sequence.
SO Term
Description: A sequence within the micronuclear DNA of ciliates at which chromosome breakage and telomere addition occurs during nuclear differentiation.
SO Term
Description: A sequence eliminated from the genome of ciliates during nuclear differentiation.
SO Term
Description: A sequence that is conserved, although rearranged relative to the micronucleus, in the macronucleus of a ciliate genome.
SO Term
Description: The canonical 3' splice site has the sequence "AG".
SO Term
Description: The canonical 5' splice site has the sequence "GT".
SO Term
Description: A 3' splice site that does not have the sequence "AG".
SO Term
Description: A 5' splice site which does not have the sequence "GT".
SO Term
Description: A start codon that is not the usual AUG sequence.
SO Term
Description: A transcript that has been processed "incorrectly", for example by the failure of splicing of one or more exons.
SO Term
Description: Exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) facilitate exon definition by assisting in the recruitment of splicing factors to the adjacent intron.
SO Term
Description: DNA region representing open chromatin structure that is hypersensitive to digestion by DNase I.
SO Term
Description: A chromosomal mutation. Rearrangements that alter the pairing of telomeres are classified as translocations.
SO Term
Description: A chromosomal translocation whereby the chromosomes carrying non-homologous centromeres may be recovered independently. These chromosomes are described as translocation elements. This occurs for some translocations, particularly but not exclusively, reciprocal translocations.
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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
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