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Category: OntologyTerm
Type Details Score
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Description: The C2H2 zinc finger is the classical zinc finger domain. The two conserved cysteines and histidines co-ordinate a zinc ion. The following pattern describes the zinc finger. #-X-C-X(1-5)-C-X3-#-X5-#-X2-H-X(3-6)-[H/C] Where X can be any amino acid, and numbers in brackets indicate the number of residues. The positions marked # are those that are important for the stable fold of the zinc finger. The final position can be either his or cys. The C2H2 zinc finger is composed of two short beta strands followed by an alpha helix. The amino terminal part of the helix binds the major groove in DNA binding zinc fingers. The accepted consensus binding sequence for Sp1 is usually defined by the asymmetric hexanucleotide core GGGCGG but this sequence does not include, among others, the GAG (=CTC) repeat that constitutes a high-affinity site for Sp1 binding to the wt1 promoter [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: The PWWP domain is named after a conserved Pro-Trp-Trp-Pro motif [1]. The domain binds to Histone-4 methylated at lysine-20, H4K20me, suggesting that it is methyl-lysine recognition motif. Removal of two conserved aromatic residues in a hydrophobic cavity created by this domain within the full-length protein, Pdp1, abolishes the interaction o f the protein with H4K20me3. In fission yeast, Set9 is the sole enzyme that catalyses all three states of H4K20me, and Set9-mediated H4K20me is required for efficient recruitment of checkpoint protein Crb2 to sites of DNA damage. The methylation of H4K20 is involved in a diverse array of cellular processes, such as organising higher-order chromatin, maintaining genome stability, and regulating cell-cycle progression [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family includes trypsin-like peptidase domains.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This domain is found in plant proteins such as respiratory burst NADPH oxidase proteins which produce reactive oxygen species as a defence mechanism. It tends to occur to the N-terminus of an EF-hand (Pfam:PF00036), which suggests a direct regulatory effect of Ca2+ on the activity of the NADPH oxidase in plants [1].
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Description: Rad9 is required for transient cell-cycle arrests and transcriptional induction of DNA repair in response to DNA damage. It contains a Bcl-2 homology domain 3 (BH3) [2].
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Description: Family members found in Arabidopsis include RALF23. It has been shown to reduce plant growth upon overexpression while mature plants were dwarfed and bushy. It has also been suggested that RALF23 of Arabidopsis, counteracts brassinosteroid (BR) growth-promoting effects which may be relieved by the down-regulation of RALF23 [1]
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Description: Zinc finger at the C-terminus of An1 Swiss:Q91889, a ubiquitin-like protein in Xenopus laevis. The following pattern describes the zinc finger. C-X2-C-X(9-12)-C-X(1-2)-C-X4-C-X2-H-X5-H-X-C Where X can be any amino acid, and numbers in brackets indicate the number of residues.
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Description: The A20 Zn-finger of bovine/human Rabex5/rabGEF1 is a Ubiquitin Binding Domain [5-6]. The zinc finger mediates self-association in A20. These fingers also mediate IL-1-induced NF-kappa B activation.
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Description: The Clp protease has an active site catalytic triad. In E. coli Clp protease, ser-111, his-136 and asp-185 form the catalytic triad. Swiss:P48254 has lost all of these active site residues and is therefore inactive. Swiss:P42379 contains two large insertions, Swiss:P42380 contains one large insertion.
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Description: This family contains acyltransferases involved in phospholipid biosynthesis and other proteins of unknown function [1]. This family also includes tafazzin Swiss:Q16635, the Barth syndrome gene [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family represents the N-terminal region of Pescadillo. Pescadillo protein localises to distinct substructures of the interphase nucleus including nucleoli, the site of ribosome biogenesis. During mitosis pescadillo closely associates with the periphery of metaphase chromosomes and by late anaphase is associated with nucleolus-derived foci and prenucleolar bodies. Blastomeres in mouse embryos lacking pescadillo arrest at morula stages of development, the nucleoli fail to differentiate and accumulation of ribosomes is inhibited. It has been proposed that in mammalian cells pescadillo is essential for ribosome biogenesis and nucleologenesis and that disruption to its function results in cell cycle arrest [1]. This family is often found in conjunction with a Pfam:PF00533 domain.
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Description: This family contains several plant dormancy-associated and auxin-repressed proteins the function of which are poorly understood [1].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This domain inhibits pectin methylesterases (PMEs) and invertases through formation of a non-covalent 1:1 complex [1]. It has been implicated in the regulation of fruit development, carbohydrate metabolism and cell wall extension (see [2]). It may also be involved in inhibiting microbial pathogen PMEs. It has been observed that it is often expressed as a large inactive preprotein [1]. It is also found at the N-termini of PMEs predicted from DNA sequences (personal obs:C Yeats), suggesting that both PMEs and their inhibitor are expressed as a single polyprotein and subsequently processed. It has two disulphide bridges and is mainly alpha-helical [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: Other tRNA synthetase sub-families are too dissimilar to be included. This family includes only arginyl tRNA synthetase.
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Description: This domain is found at the amino terminus of Arginyl tRNA synthetase, also called additional domain 1 (Add-1). It is about 140 residues long and it has been suggested that this domain will be involved in tRNA recognition [1].
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Description: This all alpha helical domain is the anticodon binding domain in Arginyl and glycyl tRNA synthetase. This domain is known as the DALR domain after characteristic conserved amino acids [1].
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Description: This family includes a variety of exonuclease proteins, such as ribonuclease T and the epsilon subunit of DNA polymerase III.;
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Description: This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This domain binds to DNA. Two GATA zinc fingers are found in the GATA transcription factors. However there are several proteins which only contain a single copy of the domain.
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Description: Approx. 40 amino acid repeat. Tandem repeats form super-helix of helices that is proposed to mediate interaction of beta-catenin with its ligands. CAUTION: This family does not contain all known armadillo repeats.
Ontology Term
Description: This family consists of the importin alpha (karyopherin alpha), importin beta (karyopherin beta) binding domain. The domain mediates formation of the importin alpha beta complex; required for classical NLS import of proteins into the nucleus, through the nuclear pore complex and across the nuclear envelope. Also in the alignment is the NLS of importin alpha which overlaps with the IBB domain [4].
Ontology Term
Description: The members of this family are putative or actual calmodulin binding proteins expressed by various plant species. Some members (for example, Swiss:Q8H6T7), are known to be involved in the induction of plant defence responses [1]. However, their precise function in this regards is as yet unknown.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This presumed domain is functionally uncharacterised. This domain is found in eukaryotes. This domain is about 50 amino acids in length. This domain has two completely conserved residues (Y and K) that may be functionally important.
Ontology Term
Description: These sequences are derived from a number of hypothetical plant proteins. The region in question is approximately 270 amino acids long. Some members of this family are annotated as yeast pheromone receptor proteins AR781 but no literature was found to support this.
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Ontology Term
Description: This is a zinc-finger domain with the CxxCx(12)Hx(6)H motif, found in multiple copies in a wide range of proteins from plants to metazoans. Some member proteins, particularly those from plants, are annotated as being RNA-binding.
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Description: Pfam combines a number of different Prosite families together
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Description: This family includes both class I and class II oxidoreductases and also NADH oxidases and peroxidases. This domain is actually a small NADH binding domain within a larger FAD binding domain.
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: The MEINOX region is comprised of two domains, KNOX1 and KNOX2. KNOX1 plays a role in suppressing target gene expression. KNOX2, essential for function, is thought to be necessary for homo-dimerisation [1].
Ontology Term
Description: The MEINOX region is comprised of two domains, KNOX1 and KNOX2. KNOX1 plays a role in suppressing target gene expression. KNOX2, essential for function, is thought to be necessary for homo-dimerisation [1].
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Description: This domain is required for the nuclear localisation of these proteins [1]. All of these proteins are members of the Tale/Knox homeodomain family, a subfamily within homeobox Pfam:PF00046.
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Description: This is a homeobox transcription factor KN domain conserved from fungi to human and plants. They were first identified as TALE homeobox genes in eukaryotes, (including KNOX and MEIS genes) [1,2,3]. They have been recently classified [4,5,6].
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Description: Nicotianamine synthase EC: catalyses the trimerisation of S-adenosylmethionine to yield one molecule of nicotianamine. Nicotianamine has an important role in plant iron uptake mechanisms. Plants adopt two strategies (termed I and II) of iron acquisition. Strategy I is adopted by all higher plants except graminaceous plants, which adopt strategy II [1,2]. In strategy I plants, the role of nicotianamine is not fully determined: possible roles include the formation of more stable complexes with ferrous than with ferric ion, which might serve as a sensor of the physiological status of iron within a plant, or which might be involved in the transport of iron [1]. In strategy II (graminaceous) plants, nicotianamine is the key intermediate (and nicotianamine synthase the key enzyme) in the synthesis of the mugineic family (the only known family in plants) of phytosiderophores. Phytosiderophores are iron chelators whose secretion by the roots is greatly increased in instances of iron deficiency [2]. The 3D structures of five example NAS from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus reveal the monomer to consist of a five-helical bundle N-terminal domain on top of a classic Rossmann fold C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain is unique to the NAS family, whereas the C-terminal domain is homologous to the class I family of SAM-dependent methyltransferases. An active site is created at the interface of the two domains, at the rim of a large cavity that corresponds to the nucleotide binding site such as is found in other proteins adopting a Rossmann fold [3].
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Description: NULL
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Description: Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that catalyse the insertion of a double bond at the delta position of fatty acids. There seem to be two distinct families of fatty acid desaturases which do not seem to be evolutionary related: Family 1 composed of Stearoyl-CoA desaturases (SCD) [1,2] and Family 2 composed of Bacterial fatty acid desaturases, Plant stearoyl-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase [3] and Cyanobacterial DesA [4]. Members of this entry are ER integral membrane proteins that share the same mushroom-shaped fold consisting of four transmembrane helices (TM1-TM4) which anchor them to the membrane, capped by a cytosolic domain containing a unique 9-10 histidine- coordinating di metal (di-iron) catalytic centre [5,6]. The structure of mouse stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SDC) revealed that TM2 and TM4 are longer than TM1 and TM3 and protrude into the cytosolic domain, providing three of the nine histidine residues that coordinate the two metal ions, while the other histidine residues are provided by the soluble domain in this enzyme [5].
Ontology Term
Description: This presumed domain is functionally uncharacterised. This domain is found in bacteria and eukaryotes. This domain is typically between 126 to 140 amino acids in length. This domain is found associated with Pfam:PF00487.
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Description: This family is found frequently at the N-terminus of family DUF3741, Pfam:PF12552.
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Ontology Term
Description: This domain contains a WRKY like fold and is therefore most likely a zinc binding DNA-binding domain.
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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
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