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Category: SOTerm
Type Details Score
SO Term
Description: A region (or regions) that includes all of the sequence elements necessary to encode a functional transcript. A gene may include regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions.
SO Term
Description: Messenger RNA is the intermediate molecule between DNA and protein. It includes UTR and coding sequences. It does not contain introns.
SO Term
Description: Structural unit composed of a nucleic acid molecule which controls its own replication through the interaction of specific proteins at one or more origins of replication.
SO Term
Description: A region of a CDS.
SO Term
Description: A region of the transcript sequence within a gene which is not removed from the primary RNA transcript by RNA splicing.
SO Term
Description: A contiguous sequence which begins with, and includes, a start codon and ends with, and includes, a stop codon.
SO Term
Description: One or more contigs that have been ordered and oriented using end-read information. Contains gaps that are filled with N's.
SO Term
Description: A region at the 5' end of a mature transcript (preceding the initiation codon) that is not translated into a protein.
SO Term
Description: A region at the 3' end of a mature transcript (following the stop codon) that is not translated into a protein.
SO Term
Description: Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are approximately 80 nucleotides in length. Their secondary structure includes four short double-helical elements and three loops (D, anti-codon, and T loops). Further hydrogen bonds mediate the characteristic L-shaped molecular structure. Transfer RNAs have two regions of fundamental functional importance: the anti-codon, which is responsible for specific mRNA codon recognition, and the 3' end, to which the tRNA's corresponding amino acid is attached (by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases). Transfer RNAs cope with the degeneracy of the genetic code in two manners: having more than one tRNA (with a specific anti-codon) for a particular amino acid; and 'wobble' base-pairing, i.e. permitting non-standard base-pairing at the 3rd anti-codon position.
SO Term
Description: A sequence that closely resembles a known functional gene, at another locus within a genome, that is non-functional as a consequence of (usually several) mutations that prevent either its transcription or translation (or both). In general, pseudogenes result from either reverse transcription of a transcript of their "normal" paralog (SO:0000043) (in which case the pseudogene typically lacks introns and includes a poly(A) tail) or from recombination (SO:0000044) (in which case the pseudogene is typically a tandem duplication of its "normal" paralog).
SO Term
Description: rRNA is an RNA component of a ribosome that can provide both structural scaffolding and catalytic activity.
SO Term
Description: A snoRNA (small nucleolar RNA) is any one of a class of small RNAs that are associated with the eukaryotic nucleus as components of small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins. They participate in the processing or modifications of many RNAs, mostly ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) though snoRNAs are also known to target other classes of RNA, including spliceosomal RNAs, tRNAs, and mRNAs via a stretch of sequence that is complementary to a sequence in the targeted RNA.
SO Term
Description: Small, ~22-nt, RNA molecule that is the endogenous transcript of a miRNA gene (or the product of other non coding RNA genes. Micro RNAs are produced from precursor molecules (SO:0001244) that can form local hairpin structures, which ordinarily are processed (usually via the Dicer pathway) such that a single miRNA molecule accumulates from one arm of a hairpin precursor molecule. Micro RNAs may trigger the cleavage of their target molecules or act as translational repressors.
SO Term
Description: A small nuclear RNA molecule involved in pre-mRNA splicing and processing.
SO Term
Description: Any extent of continuous biological sequence.
SO Term
Description: A sequence_feature with an extent greater than zero. A nucleotide region is composed of bases and a polypeptide region is composed of amino acids.
SO Term
Description: A region defined by its disposition to be involved in a biological process.
SO Term
Description: A folded sequence.
SO Term
Description: G-quartets are unusual nucleic acid structures consisting of a planar arrangement where each guanine is hydrogen bonded by hoogsteen pairing to another guanine in the quartet.
SO Term
Description: An exon whereby at least one base is part of a codon (here, 'codon' is inclusive of the stop_codon).
SO Term
Description: A coding exon that is not the most 3-prime or the most 5-prime in a given transcript.
SO Term
Description: An RNA synthesized on a DNA or RNA template by an RNA polymerase.
SO Term
Description: A region of a transcript.
SO Term
Description: A collection of related genes.
SO Term
Description: A region of a gene.
SO Term
Description: Two or more adjacent copies of a region (of length greater than 1).
SO Term
Description: The many tandem repeats (identical or related) of a short basic repeating unit; many have a base composition or other property different from the genome average that allows them to be separated from the bulk (main band) genomic DNA.
SO Term
Description: The simplest repeated component of a repeat region. A single repeat.
SO Term
Description: A region of sequence containing one or more repeat units.
SO Term
Description: A sequence used in experiment.
SO Term
Description: A region amplified by a PCR reaction.
SO Term
Description: A region which is intended for use in an experiment.
SO Term
Description: A sequence obtained from a single sequencing experiment. Typically a read is produced when a base calling program interprets information from a chromatogram trace file produced from a sequencing machine.
SO Term
Description: One of a pair of sequencing reads in which the two members of the pair are related by originating at either end of a clone insert.
SO Term
Description: A contiguous sequence derived from sequence assembly. Has no gaps, but may contain N's from unavailable bases.
SO Term
Description: An assembly region that has been sequenced from both ends resulting in a read_pair (mate_pair).
SO Term
Description: A region of known length which may be used to manufacture a longer region.
SO Term
Description: An ordered and oriented set of scaffolds based on somewhat weaker sets of inferential evidence such as one set of mate pair reads together with supporting evidence from ESTs or location of markers from SNP or microsatellite maps, or cytogenetic localization of contained markers.
SO Term
Description: A region which is the result of some arbitrary experimental procedure. The procedure may be carried out with biological material or inside a computer.
SO Term
Description: A partial DNA sequence assembly of a chromosome or full genome, which contains gaps that are filled with N's.
SO Term
Description: A region of the genome of known length that is composed by ordering and aligning two or more different regions.
SO Term
Description: A sequence of nucleotides that has been algorithmically derived from an alignment of two or more different sequences.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describing a gene.
SO Term
Description: A gene which, when transcribed, can be translated into a protein.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describing a located_sequence_feature.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describes a quality of sequence.
SO Term
Description: A gene which can be transcribed, but will not be translated into a protein.
SO Term
Description: A primary transcript that is never translated into a protein.
SO Term
Description: The primary transcript of any one of several small cytoplasmic RNA molecules present in the cytoplasm and sometimes nucleus of a Eukaryote.
SO Term
Description: Transcription units or transcribed coding sequences.
SO Term
Description: A transcript that in its initial state requires modification to be functional.
SO Term
Description: An RNA transcript that does not encode for a protein rather the RNA molecule is the gene product.
SO Term
Description: A small non coding RNA sequence, present in the cytoplasm.
SO Term
Description: A transcript which has undergone the necessary modifications, if any, for its function. In eukaryotes this includes, for example, processing of introns, cleavage, base modification, and modifications to the 5' and/or the 3' ends, other than addition of bases. In bacteria functional mRNAs are usually not modified.
SO Term
Description: The minimal portion of the promoter required to properly initiate transcription in RNA polymerase II transcribed genes.
SO Term
Description: A sequence element characteristic of some RNA polymerase II promoters required for the correct positioning of the polymerase for the start of transcription. Overlaps the TSS. The mammalian consensus sequence is YYAN(T|A)YY; the Drosophila consensus sequence is TCA(G|T)t(T|C). In each the A is at position +1 with respect to the TSS. Functionally similar to the TATA box element.
SO Term
Description: An element that only exists within the promoter region of a eukaryotic gene.
SO Term
Description: A binding site that, in the nucleotide molecule, interacts selectively and non-covalently with polypeptide residues.
SO Term
Description: A region of sequence that is involved in the control of a biological process.
SO Term
Description: A regulatory_region that modulates the transcription of a gene or genes.
SO Term
Description: A sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern that may have biological significance.
SO Term
Description: A region of a gene that has a specific function.
SO Term
Description: A regulatory_region composed of the TSS(s) and binding sites for TF_complexes of the core transcription machinery. A region (DNA) to which RNA polymerase binds, to begin transcription.
SO Term
Description: A regulatory_region including the Transcription Start Site (TSS) of a gene and serving as a platform for Pre-Initiation Complex (PIC) assembly, enabling transcription of a gene under certain conditions.
SO Term
Description: An element that always exists within the promoter region of a gene. When multiple transcripts exist for a gene, the separate transcripts may have separate core_promoter_elements.
SO Term
Description: An element that can exist within the promoter region of a gene.
SO Term
Description: A DNA site where a transcription factor binds.
SO Term
Description: A binding site that, in the molecule, interacts selectively and non-covalently with polypeptide molecules.
SO Term
Description: A biological_region of sequence that, in the molecule, interacts selectively and non-covalently with other molecules. A region on the surface of a molecule that may interact with another molecule. When applied to polypeptides: Amino acids involved in binding or interactions. It can also apply to an amino acid bond which is represented by the positions of the two flanking amino acids.
SO Term
Description: A DNA sequence in eukaryotic DNA to which RNA polymerase II binds, to begin transcription.
SO Term
Description: A motif that is active in the DNA form of the sequence.
SO Term
Description: A region of nucleotide sequence corresponding to a known motif.
SO Term
Description: A sequence element characteristic of some RNA polymerase II promoters; Positioned from +28 to +32 with respect to the TSS (+1). Experimental results suggest that the DPE acts in conjunction with the INR_motif to provide a binding site for TFIID in the absence of a TATA box to mediate transcription of TATA-less promoters. Consensus sequence (A|G)G(A|T)(C|T)(G|A|C).
SO Term
Description: A sequence element characteristic of some RNA polymerase II promoters, located immediately upstream of some TATA box elements at -37 to -32 with respect to the TSS (+1). Consensus sequence is (G|C)(G|C)(G|A)CGCC. Binds TFIIB.
SO Term
Description: A sequence element characteristic of the promoters of snRNA genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II or by RNA polymerase III. Located between -45 and -60 relative to the TSS. The human PSE_motif consensus sequence is TCACCNTNA(C|G)TNAAAAG(T|G). The basal transcription factor, snRNA-activating protein complex (SNAPc), binds the PSE_motif and is required for the transcription of both RNA polymerase II and III transcribed small-nuclear RNA genes.
SO Term
Description: A group of loci that can be grouped in a linear order representing the different degrees of linkage among the genes concerned.
SO Term
Description: A motif that is active in RNA sequence.
SO Term
Description: A region of double stranded RNA where the bases do not conform to WC base pairing. The loop is closed on both sides by canonical base pairing. If the interruption to base pairing occurs on one strand only, it is known as a bulge.
SO Term
Description: An internal RNA loop where one of the strands includes more bases than the corresponding region on the other strand.
SO Term
Description: A region forming a motif, composed of adenines, where the minor groove edges are inserted into the minor groove of another helix.
SO Term
Description: The kink turn (K-turn) is an RNA structural motif that creates a sharp (~120 degree) bend between two continuous helices.
SO Term
Description: A loop in ribosomal RNA containing the sites of attack for ricin and sarcin.
SO Term
Description: An internal RNA loop where the extent of the loop on both stands is the same size.
SO Term  
SO Term  
SO Term
Description: Two bases paired opposite each other by hydrogen bonds creating a secondary structure.
SO Term
Description: The canonical base pair, where two bases interact via WC edges, with glycosidic bonds oriented cis relative to the axis of orientation.
SO Term
Description: A type of non-canonical base-pairing.
SO Term
Description: A short oligonucleotide sequence, of length on the order of 10's of bases; either single or double stranded.
SO Term
Description: DNA or RNA molecules that have been selected from random pools based on their ability to bind other molecules.
SO Term
Description: DNA molecules that have been selected from random pools based on their ability to bind other molecules.
SO Term
Description: RNA molecules that have been selected from random pools based on their ability to bind other molecules.
SO Term
Description: An oligo composed of synthetic nucleotides.
SO Term
Description: Morpholino oligos are synthesized from four different Morpholino subunits, each of which contains one of the four genetic bases (A, C, G, T) linked to a 6-membered morpholine ring. Eighteen to 25 subunits of these four subunit types are joined in a specific order by non-ionic phosphorodiamidate intersubunit linkages to give a Morpholino.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describing a sequence composed of nucleobases bound to a morpholino backbone. A morpholino backbone consists of morpholine (CHEBI:34856) rings connected by phosphorodiamidate linkages.
SO Term
Description: An attribute describing a sequence consisting of nucleobases bound to repeating units. The forms found in nature are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), where the repeating units are 2-deoxy-D-ribose rings connected to a phosphate backbone, and ribonucleic acid (RNA), where the repeating units are D-ribose rings connected to a phosphate backbone.
SO Term
Description: An attribute to describe the kind of biological sequence.
SO Term
Description: A riboswitch is a part of an mRNA that can act as a direct sensor of small molecules to control their own expression. A riboswitch is a cis element in the 5' end of an mRNA, that acts as a direct sensor of metabolites.
SO Term
Description: A region of an mRNA.
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