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Category: OntologyTerm
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Description: Vps52 complexes with Vps53 and Vps54 to form a multi- subunit complex involved in regulating membrane trafficking events [1].
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Description: Dimerisation and phospho-acceptor domain of histidine kinases.
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Description: This domain is present in cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases, adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases, phytochromes, FhlA and NifA. Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases catalyse ATP and GTP to the second messengers cAMP and cGMP, respectively, these products up-regulating catalytic activity by binding to the regulatory GAF domain(s). The opposite hydrolysis reaction is catalysed by phosphodiesterase. cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase catalyses the conversion of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate to guanosine 5'-phosphate. Here too, cGMP regulates catalytic activity by GAF-domain binding. Phytochromes are regulatory photoreceptors in plants and bacteria which exist in two thermally-stable states that are reversibly inter-convertible by light: the Pr state absorbs maximally in the red region of the spectrum, while the Pfr state absorbs maximally in the far-red region. This domain is also found in FhlA (formate hydrogen lyase transcriptional activator) and NifA, a transcriptional activator which is required for activation of most Nif operons which are directly involved in nitrogen fixation. NifA interacts with sigma-54. This domain can bind biliverdine and phycocyanobilin (Matilla et al., FEMS Microbiology Reviews, fuab043, 45, 2021, 1.
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Description: CRM1 (also known as Exportin1) mediates the nuclear export of proteins bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES). CRM1 forms a complex with the NES containing protein and the small GTPase Ran. This region forms an alpha helical structure formed by six helical hairpin motifs that are structurally similar to the HEAT repeat, but share little sequence similarity to the HEAT repeat [1].
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Description: The 125-residue ALOG (Arabidopsis LSH1 and oryza G1) domain is rich in basic amino acids, especially arginine, and is highly conserved among land plants. Members of the ALOG family of proteins function as key developmental regulators. It has been proposed that the ALOG domain originated from the N-terminal DNA-binding domains of integrases belonging to the tyrosine recombinase superfamily encoded by a distinct type of DIRS1-like LTR retrotransposon found in several eukaryotes. Secondary structure predictions revealed an all-alpha helical domain with four conserved helices [1,2]. Some proteins known to contain an ALOG domain are Arabidopsis thaliana LIGHT_DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS1 (LSH1),involved in phytochrome- dependent light signalling; Oryza G1, involved in the specification of sterile lemma identity and Plant defence proteins.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This entry includes proteins from bacteria and eukaryotes. The plant member, CHAPERONE-LIKE PROTEIN OF POR1 (CPP1), is an essential protein for chloroplast development, plays a role in the regulation of POR (light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase) stability and function [1].
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Description: The members of this family are annotated as containing PHD domain, but the zinc-binding region here is not typical of PHD domains. The conformation here is a well-conserved cysteine-histidine rich region spanning 90 residues, where the Cys and His are arranged as HxxC(31)CxxC(6)CxxCxxxxCxxxxHxxC (21)CxxH.
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Description: This domain, and the associated ANK family repeat Pfam:PF00023 domain, together act as a chaperone for biogenesis and folding of the DP receptor for prostaglandin D2.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This region is found at the N terminal of a number of known and predicted peroxins including Pex2, Pex10 and Pex12. This conserved region is usually associated with a C terminal ring finger (Pfam:PF00097) domain.
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Description: This family is found towards the C-terminus of Myb-CC type transcription factors, and carries a highly conserved LHEQLE sequence motif.
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Description: SET domains are protein lysine methyltransferase enzymes. SET domains appear to be protein-protein interaction domains. It has been demonstrated that SET domains mediate interactions with a family of proteins that display similarity with dual-specificity phosphatases (dsPTPases) [2]. A subset of SET domains have been called PR domains. These domains are divergent in sequence from other SET domains, but also appear to mediate protein-protein interaction [3]. The SET domain consists of two regions known as SET-N and SET-C. SET-C forms an unusual and conserved knot-like structure of probably functional importance. Additionally to SET-N and SET-C, an insert region (SET-I) and flanking regions of high structural variability form part of the overall structure [5].
Ontology Term
Description: This protein motif is a zinc binding motif [1]. It contains 9 conserved cysteines that coordinate three zinc ions. It is thought that this region plays a structural role in stabilising SET domains.
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Description: This presumed domain has been predicted to contain three alpha helices. The domain was named the WIYLD domain based on the pattern of most conserved residues [1]. It binds ubiquitin. In the Arabidopsis thaliana histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SUVR4, Swiss:Q8W595, binding of ubiquitin to this domain stimulates enzymatic activity and converts its activity from a strict dimethylase to a di/trimethylase [2].
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Description: This family includes enzymes that transfer sugar residues to donor molecules. Members of this family are involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and glycogen synthesis. This family includes Lipopolysaccharide galactosyltransferase Swiss:P27128, lipopolysaccharide glucosyltransferase 1 Swiss:P27129, and glycogenin glucosyltransferase Swiss:P46976.
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Description: NULL
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Description: Calmodulin-binding motif.
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Description: This short motif is found in a variety of plant proteins. These proteins vary greatly in length and are mostly composed of low complexity regions. They all conserve a short motif FXhVQChTG, where X is any amino acid and h is a hydrophobic amino acid. The function of this motif is uncertain, however one protein in this family has been found to bind the SigA sigma factor Swiss:Q9LDH1. It would seem plausible that this motif is needed for this activity and that this whole family might be involved in modulating plastid sigma factors (Bateman A pers. obs.).
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Description: The SSXT or SS18 protein is involved in synovial sarcoma in humans. A SYT-SSX fusion gene resulting from the chromosomal translocation t(X;18) (p11;q11) is characteristic of synovial sarcomas. This translocation fuses the SSXT (SYT) gene from chromosome 18 to either of two homologous genes at Xp11, SSX1 or SSX2 [1].
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Description: This domain binds to zein proteins, Pfam:PF01559 [1]. Zein proteins are seed storage proteins.
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Description: This family includes a number of K+ ion channel beta chain regulatory domains - these are reported to have oxidoreductase activity [2].
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Description: KH motifs bind RNA in vitro. Autoantibodies to Nova, a KH domain protein, cause paraneoplastic opsoclonus ataxia.
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Description: Alba is a novel chromosomal protein that coats archaeal DNA without compacting it.
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Description: This family represents a conserved region approximately 60 residues long within the eukaryotic targeting protein for Xklp2 (TPX2). Xklp2 is a kinesin-like protein localised on centrosomes throughout the cell cycle and on spindle pole microtubules during metaphase. In Xenopus, it has been shown that Xklp2 protein is required for centrosome separation and maintenance of spindle bi-polarity [1]. TPX2 is a microtubule-associated protein that mediates the binding of the C-terminal domain of Xklp2 to microtubules. It is phosphorylated during mitosis in a microtubule-dependent way [2]. The TPX domain appears to be truncated in fungal species.
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Description: Malectin is a membrane-anchored protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that recognises and binds Glc2-N-glycan. The domain is found on a number of plant receptor kinases and is distantly related to malectin domains.
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Description: Ankyrins are multifunctional adaptors that link specific proteins to the membrane-associated, spectrin- actin cytoskeleton. This repeat-domain is a 'membrane-binding' domain of up to 24 repeated units, and it mediates most of the protein's binding activities. Repeats 13-24 are especially active, with known sites of interaction for the Na/K ATPase, Cl/HCO(3) anion exchanger, voltage-gated sodium channel, clathrin heavy chain and L1 family cell adhesion molecules. The ANK repeats are found to form a contiguous spiral stack such that ion transporters like the anion exchanger associate in a large central cavity formed by the ANK repeat spiral, while clathrin and cell adhesion molecules associate with specific regions outside this cavity [2][3].
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Description: The members of this family are hypothetical eukaryotic proteins of unknown function. The region in question is approximately 100 amino acid residues long.
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Description: Saccharomyces cerevisiae RGR1 mediator complex subunit affects chromatin structure, transcriptional regulation of diverse genes and sporulation, required for glucose repression, HO repression, RME1 repression and sporulation [2][3]. This subunit is also found in higher eukaryotes and Med14 is the agreed unified nomenclature for this subunit. Med14 is found in the tail region of Mediator [5].
Ontology Term
Description: Members of this protein family are involved in a sec independent translocation mechanism. This pathway has been called the DeltapH pathway in chloroplasts [2]. Members of this family in E.coli are involved in export of redox proteins with a "twin arginine" leader motif [1].
Ontology Term
Description: This family of proteins is found in eukaryotes. Proteins in this family are typically between 174 and 411 amino acids in length. The family is found in association with Pfam:PF00170. There is a conserved KVK sequence motif. There is a single completely conserved residue K that may be functionally important. Various bZIP proteins have been found and shown to play a role in seed-specific gene expression. bZIP binds to the alpha-globulin gene promoter, but not to promoters of other major storage genes such as glutelin, prolamin and albumin.
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Description: This family includes a number of transferase enzymes. These include anthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl/benzoyltransferase that catalyses the first committed reaction of phytoalexin biosynthesis [1]. Deacetylvindoline 4-O-acetyltransferase EC: catalyses the last step in vindoline biosynthesis is also a member of this family [2]. The motif HXXXD is probably part of the active site. The family also includes trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase.
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Description: This family includes animal transglutaminases and other bacterial proteins of unknown function. Sequence conservation in this superfamily primarily involves three motifs that centre around conserved cysteine, histidine, and aspartate residues that form the catalytic triad in the structurally characterised transglutaminase, the human blood clotting factor XIIIa' [1]. On the basis of the experimentally demonstrated activity of the Methanobacterium phage pseudomurein endoisopeptidase [2], it is proposed that many, if not all, microbial homologues of the transglutaminases are proteases and that the eukaryotic transglutaminases have evolved from an ancestral protease. [3]
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family consists of several ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A or phosphoriboisomerase A (EC: from bacteria, eukaryotes and archaea.
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Description: This is a C-terminal region of plant IQ-containing putative calmodulin-binding proteins.
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Description: This presumed domain appears to be related to other Myb/SANT-like DNA binding domains. In particular Pfam:PF10545 seems most related. This family is greatly expanded in plants and appears in several proteins annotated as transposon proteins.
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Description: TruD is responsible for synthesis of pseudouridine from uracil-13 in transfer RNAs [1]. The structure of TruD reveals an overall V-shaped molecule which contains an RNA-binding cleft [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family consists of several hypothetical proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. The function of this family is unknown.
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Description: This family consists of several hypothetical glycine rich plant and bacterial proteins of around 300 residues in length. The function of this family is unknown.
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: The zinc knuckle is a zinc binding motif composed of the the following CX2CX4HX4C where X can be any amino acid. The motifs are mostly from retroviral gag proteins (nucleocapsid). Prototype structure is from HIV. Also contains members involved in eukaryotic gene regulation, such as C. elegans GLH-1. Structure is an 18-residue zinc finger.
Ontology Term
Description: This family aligns residues towards the N-terminus of several proteins with multiple functions. The members of this family all appear to possess 5'-3' exonuclease activity EC:3.1.11.-. Thus, the aligned region may be necessary for 5' to 3' exonuclease function. The family also contains several Xrn1 and Xrn2 proteins. The 5'-3' exoribonucleases Xrn1p and Xrn2p/Rat1p function in the degradation and processing of several classes of RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Xrn1p is the main enzyme catalysing cytoplasmic mRNA degradation in multiple decay pathways, whereas Xrn2p/Rat1p functions in the processing of rRNAs and small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) in the nucleus [3].
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Description: Members of this family are all pyridoxal-phosphate dependent enzymes. This family includes: serine dehydratase EC: P20132, threonine dehydratase EC: Swiss:P04968, tryptophan synthase beta chain EC: Swiss:P00932, threonine synthase EC: Swiss:P04990, cysteine synthase EC: P11096, cystathionine beta-synthase EC: Swiss:P35520, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase EC: Swiss:P76316.
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