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Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of GDP-mannose, a substance composed of mannose in glycosidic linkage with guanosine diphosphate.
GO Term
Description: A heterotrimeric H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex with a substrate preference of chromatin over free histones. It contains a subset of the proteins found in the larger NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex; for example, the S. cerevisiae complex contains Esa1p, Yng2p, and Epl1p.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 3-phospho-D-glycerate + ATP = 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + ADP + H(+).
GO Term
Description: The process in which relatively unspecialized cells, e.g. embryonic or regenerative cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells, tissues, or organs of the mature organism or some other relatively stable phase of the organism's life history. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate and its subsequent development to the mature state.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the physical partitioning and separation of a cell into daughter cells.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the endohydrolysis of (1->3)-linkages in beta-D-glucans when the glucose residue whose reducing group is involved in the linkage to be hydrolysed is itself substituted at C-3.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the endohydrolysis of (1->4)-linkages in beta-D-glucans when the glucose residue whose reducing group is involved in the linkage to be hydrolysed is itself substituted at C-3.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with molybdenum (Mo) ions.
GO Term
Description: The process comprising the insertion of proteins from outside the organelle into the mitochondrial outer membrane, mediated by large outer membrane translocase complexes.
GO Term
Description: The process of creating protein oligomers, compounds composed of a small number, usually between three and ten, of identical component monomers. Oligomers may be formed by the polymerization of a number of monomers or the depolymerization of a large protein polymer.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate + L-homocysteine = L-methionine + tetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate.
GO Term
Description: The binding activity of a molecule that brings together two or more protein molecules, or a protein and another macromolecule or complex, through a selective, non-covalent, often stoichiometric interaction, permitting those molecules to function in a coordinated way.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an actin filament, also known as F-actin, a helical filamentous polymer of globular G-actin subunits.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + sulfate = diphosphate + adenylylsulfate.
GO Term
Description: Isoenergetic transfer of ubiquitin from one protein to an existing ubiquitin chain via the reaction X-ubiquitin + Y-ubiquitin -> Y-ubiquitin-ubiquitin + X, where both the X-ubiquitin and Y-ubiquitin-ubiquitin linkages are thioester bonds between the C-terminal glycine of ubiquitin and a sulfhydryl side group of a cysteine residue.
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of chromosomes, structures composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins that carries hereditary information. This term covers covalent modifications at the molecular level as well as spatial relationships among the major components of a chromosome.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: cysteamine + O(2) = H(+) + hypotaurine.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: a pectate = a pectate + a pectate oligosaccharide with 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-galact-4-enuronosyl)-D-galacturonate end. This reaction is the eliminative cleavage of pectate to give oligosaccharides with 4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enuronosyl groups at their non-reducing ends.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transmembrane transfer of an anion by a voltage-gated channel. An anion is a negatively charged ion. A voltage-gated channel is a channel whose open state is dependent on the voltage across the membrane in which it is embedded.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of anions, atoms or small molecules with a net negative charge into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: The posttranscriptional addition of methyl groups to specific residues in an rRNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which an iron-sulfur protein acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces a hydrogen or electron acceptor.
GO Term
Description: The process of targeting specific proteins to particular regions of the cell, typically membrane-bounded subcellular organelles. Usually requires an organelle specific protein sequence motif.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that possesses protein farnesyltransferase activity.
GO Term
Description: The covalent attachment of a farnesyl group to a protein.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell proliferation.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a nucleoside, a nucleobase linked to either beta-D-ribofuranose (ribonucleoside) or 2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranose, (a deoxyribonucleotide) from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine + beta-D-mannosyl-R = UDP + 4-(N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)-beta-D-mannosyl-R.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glycolipid, a class of 1,2-di-O-acylglycerols joined at oxygen 3 by a glycosidic linkage to a carbohydrate part (usually a mono-, di- or tri-saccharide).
GO Term
Description: Enables the transmembrane transport of one proton (H+), driven by the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate, and generating a proton motive force.
GO Term
Description: A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the signal recognition particle.
GO Term
Description: A transmembrane heterodimeric protein located in the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Both subunits contain GTPase domains with which signal recognition particle interacts. In the presence of GTP and SRP receptor, SRP is released from the ribosome-nascent chain complex.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: D-xylose = D-xylulose.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 7,8-diaminononanoate + ATP + CO(2) = ADP + dethiobiotin + 4 H(+) + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of biotin, cis-tetrahydro-2-oxothieno(3,4-d)imidazoline-4-valeric acid.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which hydrogen or electrons are transferred from NADH or NADPH and one other donor, and two atoms of oxygen are incorporated into one donor.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of aromatic compounds, any substance containing an aromatic carbon ring.
GO Term
Description: A preribosomal complex consisting of 20S pre-rRNA, ribosomal proteins including late-associating small subunit proteins, and associated proteins; a precursor of the eukaryotic cytoplasmic small ribosomal subunit.
GO Term
Description: RNA polymerase III, one of three nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerases found in all eukaryotes, is a multisubunit complex; typically it produces 5S rRNA, tRNAs and some of the small nuclear RNAs. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits (generally ten or more), some of which are also found in RNA polymerase I and others of which are also found in RNA polymerases I and II. Although the core is competent to mediate ribonucleic acid synthesis, it requires additional factors to select the appropriate template.
GO Term
Description: The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template by RNA polymerase III, originating at an RNAP III promoter.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translational initiation.
GO Term
Description: A chromosome that encodes the nuclear genome and is found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell during the cell cycle phases when the nucleus is intact.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2-methylpropanoyl-CoA + enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine = CoA + enzyme N6-(S-[2-methylpropanoyl]dihydrolipoyl)lysine.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a fatty-acyl-CoA, any derivative of coenzyme A in which the sulfhydryl group is in thiolester linkage with a fatty-acyl group.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA + NAD+ = 3-oxoacyl-CoA + NADH + H(+).
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleosome, a complex comprised of DNA wound around a multisubunit core and associated proteins, which forms the primary packing unit of DNA into higher order structures.
GO Term
Description: Dynamic structural changes to eukaryotic chromatin that require energy from the hydrolysis of ATP, ranging from local changes necessary for transcriptional regulation to global changes necessary for chromosome segregation, mediated by ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling factors.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + H(+) + pyruvate = 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + CO(2).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving pyruvate, 2-oxopropanoate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + phosphate + pyruvate = AMP + diphosphate + 2 H(+) + phosphoenolpyruvate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + H(+) = S-adenosylmethioninamine + CO(2).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of spermine, a polybasic amine found in human sperm, in ribosomes and in some viruses and involved in nucleic acid packaging.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving a deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate, a compound consisting of a nucleobase linked to a deoxyribose sugar esterified with diphosphate on the sugar.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the activation of small proteins, such as ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins, through the formation of an ATP-dependent high-energy thiolester bond.
GO Term
Description: Covalent attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 (RUB1) to another protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transfer of a substituted phosphate group, other than diphosphate or nucleotidyl residues, from one compound (donor) to a another (acceptor).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the reduction of sulfate to another sulfur-containing ion or compound such as hydrogen sulfide, adenosine-phosphosulfate (APS) or thiosulfate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: fructose-6-phosphate + diphosphate = phosphate + fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal equilibrium of hydrogen ions, thereby modulating the internal pH, within an organism or cell.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: Na+(out) + H+(in) = Na+(in) + H+(out).
GO Term
Description: A cell cycle checkpoint that delays the metaphase/anaphase transition of a mitotic nuclear division until the spindle is correctly assembled and chromosomes are attached to the spindle.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: D-glucosyl-N-acylsphingosine + H2O = D-glucose + N-acylsphingosine.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glucosylceramides, any compound formed by the replacement of the glycosidic hydroxyl group of a cyclic form of glucose by a ceramide group.
GO Term
Description: A multisubunit nucleotide exchange complex that binds GTP and aminoacyl-tRNAs, and catalyzes their codon-dependent placement at the A-site of the ribosome. In humans, the complex is composed of four subunits, alpha, beta, delta and gamma.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription elongation, the extension of an RNA molecule after transcription initiation and promoter clearance by the addition of ribonucleotides catalyzed by a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
GO Term
Description: The V0 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the vacuolar membrane.
GO Term
Description: A complex composed of TATA binding protein (TBP) and TBP associated factors (TAFs); the total mass is typically about 800 kDa. Most of the TAFs are conserved across species. In TATA-containing promoters for RNA polymerase II (Pol II), TFIID is believed to recognize at least two distinct elements, the TATA element and a downstream promoter element. TFIID is also involved in recognition of TATA-less Pol II promoters. Binding of TFIID to DNA is necessary but not sufficient for transcription initiation from most RNA polymerase II promoters.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of zinc (Zn) ions from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: A process in which a zinc II ion is transported from one side of a membrane to the other by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: A network of small fibers that surrounds the centrioles in cells; contains the microtubule nucleating activity of the centrosome.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol + ATP = a 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate + ADP + 2 H(+).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: tRNA guanine + queuine = tRNA queuine + guanine.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of queuosines, any of a series of nucleosides found in tRNA and having an additional pentenyl ring added via an NH group to the methyl group of 7-methylguanosine. The pentenyl ring may carry other substituents.
GO Term
Description: The nitrogen metabolic process that encompasses the uptake of nitrate from the environment and reduction to ammonia, and results in the incorporation of nitrogen derived from nitrate into cellular substances.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the molybdopterin cofactor (Moco), essential for the catalytic activity of some enzymes, e.g. sulfite oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and aldehyde oxidase. The cofactor consists of a mononuclear molybdenum (Mo-molybdopterin) or tungsten ion (W-molybdopterin) coordinated by one or two molybdopterin ligands.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a nitrogenous group, excluding NH and NH2 groups, acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces NAD or NADP.
GO Term
Description: The targeting and directed movement of proteins into a cell or organelle. Not all import involves an initial targeting event.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 L-glutamate + NAD(+) = 2-oxoglutarate + L-glutamine + H(+) + NADH.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 L-glutamate + NAD(P)+ = L-glutamine + 2-oxoglutarate + NAD(P)H + H+.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 6-O-phosphono-D-glucono-1,5-lactone + H(2)O = 6-phospho-D-gluconate + H(+).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxal phosphorylated at the hydroxymethyl group of C-5, the active form of vitamin B6.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glutamine, 2-amino-4-carbamoylbutanoic acid.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carbamoyl phosphate, an intermediate in the urea cycle and other nitrogen compound metabolic pathways.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol + ATP = 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate + ADP + 2 H(+).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of phosphatidylinositol, any glycophospholipid in which the sn-glycerol 3-phosphate residue is esterified to the 1-hydroxyl group of 1D-myo-inositol.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: L(or D)-O-phosphoserine + H2O = L(or D)-serine + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of L-serine, the L-enantiomer of serine, i.e. (2S)-2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the synthesis of a short RNA primer on a DNA template, providing a free 3'-OH that can be extended by DNA-directed DNA polymerases.
GO Term
Description: The synthesis of a short RNA polymer, usually 4-15 nucleotides long, using one strand of unwound DNA as a template; the RNA then serves as a primer from which DNA polymerases extend synthesis.
GO Term
Description: The protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane that typically transports proteins that possess a matrix-targeting N-terminal presequence. The TIM23 complex contains three essential Tim proteins: Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel while Tim44 interacts transiently with the matrix heat-shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 5-formyltetrahydrofolate + ATP = 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate + ADP + H(+) + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + DNA containing cytosine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + DNA containing 5-methylcytosine.
GO Term
Description: The covalent transfer of a methyl group to C-5 of cytosine in a DNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the two-stage endonucleolytic cleavage to nucleoside 3'-phosphates and 3'-phosphooligonucleotides with 2',3'-cyclic phosphate intermediates.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules) that contributes to the process of protein folding.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: homogentisate + O(2) = 4-maleylacetoacetate + H(+).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving tyrosine, an aromatic amino acid, 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a syntaxin, a SNAP receptor involved in the docking of synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic zone of a synapse.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a telomere, a specific structure at the end of a linear chromosome required for the integrity and maintenance of the end.
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