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Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of hydrogen ions (protons) from inside a cell, across the plasma membrane and into the extracellular region.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: prostaglandin H(2) = prostaglandin E(2).
GO Term
Description: The lipoylation of peptidyl-lysine to form peptidyl-N6-lipoyl-L-lysine.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: octanoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] + protein = protein N6-(octanoyl)lysine + acyl-carrier protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: S-adenosyl-L-methionine + (protein)-arginine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + (protein)-N-methyl-arginine.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a G protein-coupled receptor.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a G protein-coupled receptor binding to its physiological ligand, where the pathway proceeds through activation or inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity and a subsequent change in the concentration of cyclic AMP (cAMP).
GO Term
Description: A vesicle with a coat formed of clathrin connected to the membrane via one of the clathrin adaptor complexes.
GO Term
Description: The addition of a methyl group onto a nitrogen atom of an arginine residue in a protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (5-L-glutamyl)-L-amino acid = 5-oxoproline + L-amino acid.
GO Term
Description: A cell cycle checkpoint that originates from the mitotic or meiotic spindle.
GO Term
Description: A eukaryotically conserved protein complex that localizes to kinetochores in early mitosis, the spindle mid-zone in anaphase B and to the telophase midbody. It has been proposed that the passenger complex coordinates various events based on its location to different structures during the course of mitosis. Complex members include the BIR-domain-containing protein Survivin, Aurora kinase, INCENP and Borealin.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the division of the cytoplasm of a cell, and its separation into two daughter cells.
GO Term
Description: The modification of histone H3 by the addition of an phosphate group to a serine residue at position 28 of the histone.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: D-xylulose + ATP = D-xylulose 5-phosphate + ADP + 2 H(+).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving D-xylose, a naturally occurring plant polysaccharide.
GO Term
Description: The modification of a tRNA anticodon loop by replacing guanine with queuonine. Reaction is tRNA guanine + queuine = tRNA queuine + guanine.
GO Term
Description: The removal of a ubiquitin-like protein of the NEDD8 type from a protein.
GO Term
Description: A heptameric complex related to replication factor C, which loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA and plays a vital role in chromosome cohesion. In Saccharomyces the subunits are known as Ctf18p, Rfc2p, Rfc3p, Rfc4p, Rfc5p, Dcc1p, and Ctf8p.
GO Term
Description: A heterotetrameric protein complex that associates with replication origins, where it is required for the initiation of DNA replication, and with replication forks.
GO Term
Description: The extension of an RNA molecule after transcription initiation and promoter clearance at an RNA polymerase II promoter by the addition of ribonucleotides catalyzed by RNA polymerase II.
GO Term
Description: A multiprotein complex that associates with RNA polymerase II and general RNA polymerase II transcription factor complexes and may be involved in both transcriptional initiation and elongation. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Paf1p, Cdc73p, Ctr9p, Rtf1p, and Leo1p.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of macromolecules to form a protein-containing complex.
GO Term
Description: The subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle that forms the peripheral lid, which is added on top of the base subcomplex.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a mature, active proteasome complex.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: cycloeucalenol = obtusifoliol.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex contains the proteins FANCM and MHF, or their orthologs, plays an essential role in DNA remodeling, protects replication forks, and is conserved in eukaryotes.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 ATP + L-glutamine + CO2 + H2O = 2 ADP + phosphate + glutamate + carbamoyl phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Innate immune responses are defense responses mediated by germline encoded components that directly recognize components of potential pathogens.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose + (1,4)-alpha-D-glucosyl(n) = UDP + (1,4)-alpha-D-glucosyl(n+1).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (R)-5-phosphomevalonate + ATP = (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate + ADP + H(+).
GO Term
Description: The proteasome core subcomplex that constitutes the two inner rings of the proteasome core complex. An example of this component is found in Mus musculus.
GO Term
Description: Covalent attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1 to another protein.
GO Term
Description: Mitochondrial inner membrane complex involved in maintenance of crista junctions, inner membrane architecture, and formation of contact sites to the outer membrane. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the complex has six subunits: MIC10, MIC12, MIC19, MIC26, MIC27, and MIC60.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: sirohydrochlorin + Co2+ = cobalt-sirohydrochlorin + 2 H+.
GO Term
Description: A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a small ribosomal subunit; includes transport to the sites of protein synthesis.
GO Term
Description: A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA molecule of the small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) family and associated proteins. Most are involved in a step of processing of rRNA: cleavage, 2'-O-methylation, or pseudouridylation. The majority, though not all, fall into one of two classes, box C/D type or box H/ACA type.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that forms a subcomplex of the 90S preribosome. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Mpp10p, Imp3p and Imp4p.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a nitrate stimulus.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of nitrate into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within ribonucleic acid by creating internal breaks.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: N-formyl-L-kynurenine + H2O = formate + L-kynurenine.
GO Term
Description: The methylation of the N-terminal amino acid of a protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate + 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione = 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of cardiolipin, 1,3-bis(3-phosphatidyl)glycerol.
GO Term
Description: The replacement, within chromatin, of resident histones or histone subunits with alternative, sometimes variant, histones or subunits.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of S-adenosylhomocysteine, forming homocysteine and then methionine.
GO Term
Description: The accumulation and maintenance in cells or tissues of lipids, compounds soluble in organic solvents but insoluble or sparingly soluble in aqueous solvents. Lipid reserves can be accumulated during early developmental stages for mobilization and utilization at later stages of development.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the sequential cleavage of mononucleotides from a free 5' terminus of a DNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: Binds to and modulates the activity of acetolactate synthase.
GO Term
Description: An outer kinetochore protein complex that is part of the KMN kinetochore network (also known as the NMS complex) providing the platform with which the plus ends of spindle microtubules directly interact to form stable kinetochore-microtubule attachments. A common subunit nomenclature is used from yeast to human: Ndc80, Nuf2, Spc24, and Spc25.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the pollen grain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The process begins with the meiosis of the microsporocyte to form four haploid microspores. The nucleus of each microspore then divides by mitosis to form a two-celled organism, the pollen grain, that contains a tube cell as well as a smaller generative cell. The pollen grain is surrounded by an elaborate cell wall. In some species, the generative cell immediately divides again to give a pair of sperm cells. In most flowering plants, however this division takes place later, in the tube that develops when a pollen grain germinates.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving rRNA, ribosomal RNA, a structural constituent of ribosomes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in the conversion of one or more primary non-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcripts into one or more mature ncRNA molecules.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the aldohexose galactose (galacto-hexose), a common constituent of many oligo- and polysaccharides.
GO Term
Description: The covalent alteration of an amino acid charged on a tRNA before it is incorporated into a protein, as in N-formylmethionine, selenocysteine or pyrrolysine.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transfer of a phosphoribosyl group from 5'-phosphoribosyl-1'-pyrophosphate to position 64 of initiator tRNA.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) and converts Rab-GDP to Rab-GTP. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of at least Mon1 and Ccz1, and serves as a GEF for the Rab Ypt7p.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a protein from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the Notch signaling pathway.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: nitrite + NADP+ + H2O = nitrate + NADPH + H+.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: nucleoside triphosphate + RNA(n) = diphosphate + RNA(n+1). Utilizes a DNA template that contains an RNA polymerase II specific promoter to direct initiation and catalyses DNA-template-directed extension of the 3'-end of an RNA strand by one nucleotide at a time. Can initiate a chain 'de novo'.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: myo-inositol 1-phosphate + H2O = myo-inositol + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The process of removing a phosphate group from any mono- or polyphosphorylated inositol.
GO Term
Description: Conformational rearrangement of the spliceosomal complex containing the RNA products from the 1st step of splicing to form the catalytic site for the second step of splicing.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of nucleoside across a membrane.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the initiation of the NEDD8 (RUB1) conjugation cascade.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a proton across a membrane.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maturation of a precursor Large SubUnit (LSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule into a mature LSU-rRNA molecule from the pre-rRNA molecule originally produced as a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contains the Small Subunit (SSU) rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, and Large Subunit (LSU) in that order from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: substrate with reduced sulfide groups = substrate with oxidized disulfide bonds.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate, into, out of or within a cell.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of constituent RNAs and proteins to form the large ribosomal subunit.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: an alpha-D-Man-(1->3)-[alpha-D-Man-(1->6)]-beta-D-Man-(1->4)-beta-D-GlcNAc-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-diphosphodolichol + 2 GDP-alpha-D-mannose = an alpha-D-Man-(1->2)-alpha-D-Man-(1->2)-alpha-D-Man-(1->3)-[alpha-D-Man-(1->6)]-beta-D-Man-(1->4)-beta-D-GlcNAc-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-diphosphodolichol + 2 GDP + 2 H+. This reaction is the transfer of an alpha-D-mannosyl residue from GDP-mannose into lipid-linked oligosaccharide, forming an alpha-(1->2)-D-mannosyl-D-mannose linkage.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transfer of an alpha-D-glucosyl residue from dolichyl-phosphate D-glucose into a membrane lipid-linked oligosaccharide.
GO Term
Description: An endosomal sorting complex required for transport. It consists of the class E vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) proteins and interacts with ubiquitinated cargoes.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of substances from endosomes to lysosomes or vacuoles by a pathway in which molecules are sorted into multivesicular bodies, which then fuse with the target compartment.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the flower over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The flower is the reproductive structure in a plant, and its development begins with the transition of the vegetative or inflorescence meristem into a floral meristem.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with monomeric or multimeric forms of tubulin, including microtubules.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a S100 protein. S100 is a small calcium and zinc binding protein produced in astrocytes that is implicated in Alzheimer's disease, Down Syndrome and ALS.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the transfer of an alpha-D-mannosyl residue from dolichyl-phosphate D-mannose into membrane lipid-linked oligosaccharide.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: R-X + glutathione = H-X + R-S-glutathione. R may be an aliphatic, aromatic or heterocyclic group; X may be a sulfate, nitrile or halide group.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of RNA splicing, the process of removing sections of the primary RNA transcript to remove sequences not present in the mature form of the RNA and joining the remaining sections to form the mature form of the RNA.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a 30-bp purine-rich negative regulatory element; the best characterized such element is found in the first intronic region of the rat cardiac alpha-myosin heavy chain gene, and contains two palindromic high-affinity Ets-binding sites (CTTCCCTGGAAG). The presence of this element restricts expression of the gene containing it to cardiac myocytes.
GO Term
Description: The series of steps necessary to target endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident proteins for degradation by the cytoplasmic proteasome. Begins with recognition of the ER-resident protein, includes retrotranslocation (dislocation) of the protein from the ER to the cytosol, protein ubiquitination necessary for correct substrate transfer, transport of the protein to the proteasome, and ends with degradation of the protein by the cytoplasmic proteasome.
GO Term
Description: Mediates the integration of proteins into a membrane from the inner side of the membrane. Membrane insertases are highly conserved and include the bacterial YidC family, the plant chloroplast Alb3 family, and the fungal and animal mitochondrial Oxa1/Cox18 family.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (6S)-6beta-hydroxy-1,4,5,6-tetrahydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide + ADP = AMP + 3 H(+) + NADH + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maturation of a precursor Small SubUnit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule into a mature SSU-rRNA molecule from the pre-rRNA molecule originally produced as a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contains the Small Subunit (SSU) rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, and the Large Subunit (LSU) in that order from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate; this reaction drives the unwinding of an RNA helix.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate, the formylated derivative of tetrahydrofolate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 10-formyltetrahydrofolate + H(2)O + NADP(+) = (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADPH.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a phosphate is transported across a membrane.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of siroheme, a tetrahydroporphyrin with adjacent, reduced pyrrole rings.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving citrate, 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboyxlate. Citrate is widely distributed in nature and is an important intermediate in the TCA cycle and the glyoxylate cycle.
GO Term
Description: A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U6.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: L-homocysteine + betaine = N,N-dimethylglycine + L-methionine.
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a vacuole.
GO Term
Description: Any process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter as a result of deprivation of iron ions.
GO Term
Description: A transcription elongation factor complex that suppresses RNA polymerase II pausing, and may act by promoting proper alignment of the 3'-end of nascent transcripts with the polymerase catalytic site. Consists of a transcriptionally active Elongin A subunit (abut 100 kDa)and two smaller Elongin B (about 18 kDa) and Elongin C (about 15 kDa)subunits.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that possesses glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase activity, and therefore creates Gln-tRNA by amidating Glu-tRNA; usually composed of 3 subunits: A, B, and C. Note that the C subunit may not be required in all organisms.
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