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Search results 44101 to 44200 out of 44733 for *

Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the vasculature over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The vasculature is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism.
GO Term
Description: Cell migration that is accomplished by extension and retraction of a pseudopodium.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a blood vessel over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a tube over time, from its initial formation to a mature structure. Epithelial and endothelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues including lung and trachea, kidney, the mammary gland, the vascular system and the gastrointestinal and urinary-genital tracts.
GO Term
Description: Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another.
GO Term
Description: A cell-cell junction that seals cells together in an epithelium in a way that prevents even small molecules from leaking from one side of the sheet to the other.
GO Term
Description: A functional unit located near the cell apex at the points of contact between epithelial cells, which in vertebrates is composed of the tight junction, the zonula adherens, and desmosomes and in some invertebrates, such as Drosophila, is composed of the subapical complex (SAC), the zonula adherens and the septate junction. Functions in the regulation of cell polarity, tissue integrity and intercellular adhesion and permeability.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a protein to the mitochondrion or a part of the mitochondrion.
GO Term
Description: A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location within the mitochondrion.
GO Term
Description: The attachment of a cell to the underlying substrate via adhesion molecules.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of attachment of a cell to the extracellular matrix.
GO Term
Description: Assembly of actin filament bundles in which the filaments are loosely packed (approximately 30-60 nm apart) and arranged with opposing polarities; the loose packing allows myosin (usually myosin-II) to enter the bundle.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell junction assembly.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell-substrate adhesion. Cell-substrate adhesion is the attachment of a cell to the underlying substrate via adhesion molecules.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of a stress fiber, a bundle of microfilaments and other proteins found in fibroblasts.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a stress fiber. A stress fiber is a contractile actin filament bundle that consists of short actin filaments with alternating polarity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of any cellular process that depends upon or alters the actin cytoskeleton.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of supramolecular fiber organization.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of actin filament bundles.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of actin filament organization.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of actin filament bundles.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of supramolecular fiber organization.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cellular component biogenesis, a process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a cellular component.
GO Term
Description: The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a junction between a cell and its substrate.
GO Term
Description: Any complex of actin, myosin, and accessory proteins.
GO Term
Description: A contractile actin filament bundle that consists of short actin filaments with alternating polarity, cross-linked by alpha-actinin and possibly other actin bundling proteins, and with myosin present in a periodic distribution along the fiber.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with GDP, guanosine 5'-diphosphate.
GO Term
Description: A series of molecular signals within the cell that are mediated by a member of the Ras superfamily of proteins switching to a GTP-bound active state.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a carboxylic acid, any organic acid containing one or more carboxyl (COOH) groups or anions (COO-).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycolipids, a class of 1,2-di-O-acylglycerols joined at oxygen 3 by a glycosidic linkage to a carbohydrate part (usually a mono-, di- or tri-saccharide). Some substances classified as bacterial glycolipids have the sugar group acylated by one or more fatty acids and the glycerol group may be absent.
GO Term
Description: The process of covalently altering one or more amino acids in a protein after the protein has been completely translated and released from the ribosome.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: cation A(out) + cation B(in) = cation A(in) + cation B(out).
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: solute(out) + cation(in) = solute(in) + cation(out).
GO Term
Description: The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing in a cellular organelle, lipid bilayer of an organelle envelope.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that possesses DNA polymerase activity and is involved in template directed synthesis of DNA.
GO Term
Description: The process in which an existing DNA strand is extended by activities including the addition of nucleotides to the 3' end of the strand, complementary to an existing template, as part of DNA replication.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a G protein-coupled receptor binding to its physiological ligand, where the pathway proceeds through inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity and a subsequent decrease in the concentration of cyclic AMP (cAMP).
GO Term
Description: Any process which stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cAMP-mediated signaling, a series of molecular signals in which a cell uses cyclic AMP to convert an extracellular signal into a response.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a leukocyte. A leukocyte is an achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages capable of ameboid movement, found in blood or other tissue.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system whose objective is to provide calibrated responses by an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat, over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process.
GO Term
Description: Endonucleolytic cleavage between the SSU-rRNA and the 5.8S rRNA of an rRNA molecule originally produced as a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contained the Small SubUnit (SSU) rRNA, the 5.8S rRNA, and the Large SubUnit (LSU) rRNA, in that order, from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.
GO Term
Description: Endonucleolytic cleavage of a pre-rRNA molecule originally produced as a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contains the Small SubUnit (SSU) rRNA, the 5.8S rRNA, and the Large SubUnit (LSU) rRNA, in that order, from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript. Primary ribosomal RNA transcripts with three genes, in this order, are produced in the nuclei of many eukaryotic species, including S. cerevisiae.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maturation of an rRNA molecule originally produced as part of a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contained the Small SubUnit (SSU) rRNA, the 5.8S rRNA, and the Large SubUnit (LSU) rRNA, in that order, from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of internal, alpha-peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain by a mechanism in which the sulfhydryl group of a cysteine residue at the active center acts as a nucleophile, and contributing to the apoptotic process.
GO Term
Description: The covalent alteration of one or more fatty acids in a lipid, resulting in a change in the properties of the lipid.
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a neuromuscular junction.
GO Term
Description: A receptor-mediated endocytosis process that results in the movement of receptors from the plasma membrane to the inside of the cell. The process begins when cell surface receptors are monoubiquitinated following ligand-induced activation. Receptors are subsequently taken up into endocytic vesicles from where they are either targeted to the lysosome or vacuole for degradation or recycled back to the plasma membrane.
GO Term
Description: Cell motility due to the motion of one or more eukaryotic cilia. A eukaryotic cilium is a specialized organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole.
GO Term
Description: Cell motility due to movement of eukaryotic cilia or bacterial-type flagella or archaeal-type flagella.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of monovalent inorganic cations within an organism or cell.
GO Term
Description: The process of directing proteins towards a membrane, usually using signals contained within the protein.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a protein to a specific location in the endoplasmic reticulum.
GO Term
Description: A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location within the endoplasmic reticulum.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a protein to a specific location in a membrane.
GO Term
Description: The targeting of proteins to a membrane that occurs after their translation. Some secretory proteins exhibit posttranslational transport into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen: they are synthesized in their entirety on free cytosolic ribosomes and then released into the cytosol, where they are bound by chaperones which keep them in an unfolded state, and subsequently are translocated across the ER membrane.
GO Term
Description: Sac-like membranous structures (cisternae) in a chloroplast combined into stacks (grana) and present singly in the stroma (stroma thylakoids or frets) as interconnections between grana. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana.
GO Term
Description: Any thylakoid within a plastid.
GO Term
Description: A membrane enriched in complexes formed of reaction centers, accessory pigments and electron carriers, in which photosynthetic reactions take place.
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the nuclear inner or outer membrane.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of RNA to a specific location.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of nucleic acids, single or double-stranded polynucleotides involved in the storage, transmission and transfer of genetic information, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of inorganic anions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Inorganic anions are atoms or small molecules with a negative charge which do not contain carbon in covalent linkage.
GO Term
Description: The establishment, maintenance and elaboration of the dorsal/ventral axis. The dorsal/ventral axis is defined by a line that runs orthogonal to both the anterior/posterior and left/right axes. The dorsal end is defined by the upper or back side of an organism. The ventral end is defined by the lower or front side of an organism.
GO Term
Description: A mitotic cell cycle process that controls cell cycle progression in response to changes in DNA structure by monitoring the integrity of the DNA. The DNA integrity checkpoint begins with detection of DNA damage, defects in DNA structure or DNA replication, and ends with signal transduction.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving amino acids of the glutamine family, comprising arginine, glutamate, glutamine and proline.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a ribosomal subunit from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the maturation of a precursor 5.8S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule into a mature 5.8S rRNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: A preribosomal complex consisting of 27SA, 27SB, and/or 7S pre-rRNA, 5S rRNA, ribosomal proteins including late-associating large subunit proteins, and associated proteins; a precursor of the eukaryotic cytoplasmic large ribosomal subunit.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of calcium ions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of protein complex assembly.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein by the destruction of the native, active configuration, with or without the hydrolysis of peptide bonds.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of protein complex assembly.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the breakdown of a protein or peptide by hydrolysis of its peptide bonds, initiated by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, and mediated by the proteasome.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cellular protein catabolic process.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of proteasomal protein catabolic process.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond or bonds within a protein.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of proteins within cells.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a purine ribonucleotide, a compound consisting of ribonucleoside (a purine base linked to a ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate group at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of the sugar.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a purine-containing compound, i.e. any compound that contains purine or a formal derivative thereof.
GO Term
Description: A region of the cilium between the basal body and proximal segment that is characterized by Y-shaped assemblages that connect axonemal microtubules to the ciliary membrane. The ciliary transition zone appears to function as a gate that controls ciliary membrane composition and separates the cytosol from the ciliary plasm.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of protein localization to membrane.
GO Term
Description: Any series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a pattern recognition receptor (PRR) binding to one of its physiological ligands. PRRs bind pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMPs), structures conserved among microbial species, or damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMPs), endogenous molecules released from damaged cells.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a biotic stimulus, a stimulus caused or produced by a living organism.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving any organic compound that is weakly basic in character and contains an amino or a substituted amino group, as carried out by individual cells. Amines are called primary, secondary, or tertiary according to whether one, two, or three carbon atoms are attached to the nitrogen atom.
GO Term
Description: Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of a phosphatase, an enzyme which catalyzes of the removal of a phosphate group from a substrate molecule.
GO Term
Description: Any selective and non-covalent interaction with a nucleic acid involved in the initiation, activation, perpetuation, repression or termination of polypeptide synthesis at the ribosome.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycerolipids, any lipid with a glycerol backbone.
GO Term
Description: The modification of a histone by addition of a methyl group to an arginine residue.
GO Term
Description: The modification of peptidyl-arginine.
GO Term
Description: The covalent attachment of lipid groups to an amino acid in a protein.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of ERBB signaling pathway.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway activity.
GO Term
Description: A series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a ligand to a member of the ERBB family of receptor tyrosine kinases on the surface of a cell, and ending with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The modification of peptidyl-tyrosine.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the phosphorylation of peptidyl-tyrosine.
GO Term
Description: The exchange, reciprocal or nonreciprocal, of genetic material between one DNA molecule and a homologous region of DNA that occurs during mitotic cell cycles.
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