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Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: = ADP + H(+) + phosphoenolpyruvate => ATP + pyruvate.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with potassium (K+) ions.
GO Term
Description: The process of removing one or more phosphate groups from a phosphatidylinositol.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate = N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The nonsense-mediated decay pathway for nuclear-transcribed mRNAs degrades mRNAs in which an amino-acid codon has changed to a nonsense codon; this prevents the translation of such mRNAs into truncated, and potentially harmful, proteins.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate, to drive the hydrolysis of peptide bonds.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (1,4-alpha-D-glucosyl)(n+1) + H2O = (1,4-alpha-D-glucosyl)(n-1) + alpha-maltose. This reaction is the hydrolysis of 1,4-alpha-glucosidic linkages in polysaccharides so as to remove successive maltose units from the non-reducing ends of the chains.
GO Term
Description: Any cellular metabolic process involving deoxyribonucleic acid. This is one of the two main types of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from one, or more commonly, two, strands of linked deoxyribonucleotides.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a CH-NH2 group acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and reduces NAD+ or NADP.
GO Term
Description: The modification of histones by addition of methyl groups.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the thiol-dependent hydrolysis of a peptide bond formed by the C-terminal glycine of ubiquitin and another protein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: acyl-CoA + O2 = trans-2,3-dehydroacyl-CoA + hydrogen peroxide.
GO Term
Description: A small organelle enclosed by a single membrane, and found in most eukaryotic cells. Contains peroxidases and other enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes including free radical detoxification, lipid catabolism and biosynthesis, and hydrogen peroxide metabolism.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving fatty acids, aliphatic monocarboxylic acids liberated from naturally occurring fats and oils by hydrolysis.
GO Term
Description: A fatty acid oxidation process that results in the complete oxidation of a long-chain fatty acid. Fatty acid beta-oxidation begins with the addition of coenzyme A to a fatty acid, and occurs by successive cycles of reactions during each of which the fatty acid is shortened by a two-carbon fragment removed as acetyl coenzyme A; the cycle continues until only two or three carbons remain (as acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA respectively).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: H(+) + phosphatidyl-L-serine = CO(2) + phosphatidylethanolamine.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of IMP, inosine monophosphate, by the stepwise assembly of a purine ring on ribose 5-phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 10-formyltetrahydrofolate + H(2)O = (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + formate + H(+).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: L-leucine + ATP + tRNA(Leu) = AMP + diphosphate + 2 H(+) + Leu-tRNA(Leu).
GO Term
Description: The process of coupling leucine to leucyl-tRNA, catalyzed by leucyl-tRNA synthetase. The leucyl-tRNA synthetase is a class-I synthetase. The activated amino acid is transferred to the 2'-OH group of a leucine-accetping tRNA. The 2'-O-aminoacyl-tRNA will ultimately migrate to the 3' position via transesterification.
GO Term
Description: The addition of COPII proteins and adaptor proteins to ER membranes during the formation of transport vesicles, forming a vesicle coat.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (S)-lactate + NAD+ = pyruvate + NADH + H+.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: NAD+ + (ADP-D-ribosyl)(n)-acceptor = nicotinamide + (ADP-D-ribosyl)(n+1)-acceptor.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: AMP + diphosphate = adenine + 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate.
GO Term
Description: Any process that generates adenine, 6-aminopurine, from derivatives of it without de novo synthesis.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving a nucleoside, a nucleobase linked to either beta-D-ribofuranose (a ribonucleoside) or 2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranose, (a deoxyribonucleoside), e.g. adenosine, guanosine, inosine, cytidine, uridine and deoxyadenosine, deoxyguanosine, deoxycytidine and thymidine (= deoxythymidine).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: N,N-dimethylaniline + NADPH + H+ + O2 = N,N-dimethylaniline N-oxide + NADP+ + H2O.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: a fructofuranosylated fructofuranosyl acceptor + H2O = a non fructofuranosylated fructofuranosyl acceptor + a beta-D-fructofuranoside.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: sucrose + H2O = alpha-D-glucose + beta-D-fructose.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: (6S)-tetrahydrofolate + S-aminomethyldihydrolipoylprotein = (6R)-5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate + NH3 + dihydrolipoylprotein.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: cyclobutadipyrimidine (in DNA) = 2 pyrimidine residues (in DNA). This reaction represents the reactivation of irradiated DNA by light.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a signal is passed on to downstream components within the cell, which become activated themselves to further propagate the signal and finally trigger a change in the function or state of the cell.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of sodium ions (Na+) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: bile acid(out) + Na+(out) = bile acid(in) + Na+(in).
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: acetoacetyl-CoA + acetyl-CoA + H(2)O = (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + CoA + H(+).
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in forming the mature 3' end of a U6 snRNA molecule.
GO Term
Description: A ubiquitin ligase complex that degrades mitotic cyclins and anaphase inhibitory protein, thereby triggering sister chromatid separation and exit from mitosis. Substrate recognition by APC occurs through degradation signals, the most common of which is termed the Dbox degradation motif, originally discovered in cyclin B.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the cell cycle process in which a cell progresses from metaphase to anaphase during mitosis, triggered by the activation of the anaphase promoting complex by Cdc20/Sleepy homolog which results in the degradation of Securin.
GO Term
Description: A transcription factor which in humans consists of a complex of two alpha and two beta chains. Recruits TFIIH to the initiation complex and helps activate both RNA polymerase II and TFIIH.
GO Term
Description: The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins. Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes.
GO Term
Description: Disassembly of actin filaments by the removal of actin monomers from a filament.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of copper (Cu) ions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: ATP + H2O + Cu2+(in) -> ADP + phosphate + Cu2+(out).
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating damage to its DNA from environmental insults or errors during metabolism.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 glutathione + hydrogen peroxide = oxidized glutathione + 2 H2O.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: L-cysteine + L-glutamate + ATP = L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + ADP + 2 H(+) + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of compounds derived from amino acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: protein + ATP = protein phosphate + ADP. This reaction is the phosphorylation of proteins. Mitogen-activated protein kinase; a family of protein kinases that perform a crucial step in relaying signals from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. They are activated by a wide range of proliferation- or differentiation-inducing signals; activation is strong with agonists such as polypeptide growth factors and tumor-promoting phorbol esters, but weak (in most cell backgrounds) by stress stimuli.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate = 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate + CMP.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of terpenoids, any member of a class of compounds characterized by an isoprenoid chemical structure.
GO Term
Description: A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information.
GO Term
Description: A protein modification process that results in the addition of a carbohydrate or carbohydrate derivative unit to a protein amino acid, e.g. the addition of glycan chains to proteins.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose = UDP-galactose.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving galactose, the aldohexose galacto-hexose. D-galactose is widely distributed in combined form in plants, animals and microorganisms as a constituent of oligo- and polysaccharides; it also occurs in galactolipids and as its glucoside in lactose and melibiose.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of chlorophyll, any compound of magnesium complexed in a porphyrin (tetrapyrrole) ring and which functions as a photosynthetic pigment, from less complex precursors.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H(2)O + Mg(2+) + protoporphyrin IX = ADP + 2 H(+) + magnesium protoporphyrin IX + phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + D-hexose = ADP + D-hexose 6-phosphate.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: H(2)O + 4 porphobilinogen = hydroxymethylbilane + 4 NH(4)(+).
GO Term
Description: The covalent binding of a pyrromethane (dipyrrin) cofactor to protein via the sulfur atom of cysteine forming dipyrrolylmethanemethyl-L-cysteine.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways leading to the formation of tetrapyrroles, natural pigments containing four pyrrole rings joined by one-carbon units linking position 2 of one pyrrole ring to position 5 of the next.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with Ran, a conserved Ras-like GTP-binding protein, implicated in nucleocytoplasmic transport, cell cycle progression, spindle assembly, nuclear organization and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving guanine tetraphosphate (5'-ppGpp-3'), a derivative of guanine riboside with four phosphates.
GO Term
Description: A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA molecule of the snoRNA family, and cleaves the rRNA precursor as part of rRNA transcript processing. It also has other roles: In S. cerevisiae it is involved in cell cycle-regulated degradation of daughter cell-specific mRNAs, while in mammalian cells it also enters the mitochondria and processes RNAs to create RNA primers for DNA replication.
GO Term
Description: Any process in which a pre-mRNA or mRNA molecule is cleaved at specific sites or in a regulated manner.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a pre-tRNA molecule is converted to a mature tRNA, ready for addition of an aminoacyl group.
GO Term
Description: A ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyzes cleavage of the leader sequence of precursor tRNAs (pre-tRNAs), generating the mature 5' end of tRNAs.
GO Term
Description: A ribonucleoprotein complex formed by the association of the U4/U6 and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a 2 iron, 2 sulfur (2Fe-2S) cluster; this cluster consists of two iron atoms, with two inorganic sulfur atoms found between the irons and acting as bridging ligands.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose + ((1,4)-beta-D-glucosyl)(n) = UDP + ((1,4)-beta-D-glucosyl)(n+1).
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of cellulose, a linear beta1-4 glucan of molecular mass 50-400 kDa with the pyranose units in the -4C1 conformation.
GO Term
Description: Any process involved in the assembly of the RNA polymerase preinitiation complex (PIC) at the core promoter region of a DNA template, resulting in the subsequent synthesis of RNA from that promoter. The initiation phase includes PIC assembly and the formation of the first few bonds in the RNA chain, including abortive initiation, which occurs when the first few nucleotides are repeatedly synthesized and then released. The initiation phase ends just before and does not include promoter clearance, or release, which is the transition between the initiation and elongation phases of transcription.
GO Term
Description: The covalent alteration of one or more amino acid residues within a histone protein.
GO Term
Description: Specific posttranscriptional gene inactivation ('silencing') both of viral gene(s), and host gene(s) homologous to the viral genes. This silencing is triggered by viral infection, and occurs through a specific decrease in the level of mRNA of both host and viral genes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the covalent transfer of a methyl group to either N-6 of adenine or C-5 or N-4 of cytosine.
GO Term
Description: Enables the facilitated diffusion of an ion (by an energy-independent process) by passage through a transmembrane aqueous pore or channel without evidence for a carrier-mediated mechanism. May be either selective (it enables passage of a specific ion only) or non-selective (it enables passage of two or more ions of same charge but different size).
GO Term
Description: Enables the transmembrane transfer of a chloride ion by a voltage-gated channel. A voltage-gated channel is a channel whose open state is dependent on the voltage across the membrane in which it is embedded.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of chloride into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: L-serine + (1S,2R)-1-C-(indol-3-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate = L-tryptophan + glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + H2O.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving tryptophan, the chiral amino acid 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid.
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellulose microfibril, any of the cellulose structures laid down in orthogonal layers in a plant cell wall.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a cell irreversibly increases in size over time by accretion and biosynthetic production of matter similar to that already present.
GO Term
Description: The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products that are tethered to the membrane only by a covalently attached anchor, such as a lipid group that is embedded in the membrane. Gene products with peptide sequences that are embedded in the membrane are excluded from this grouping.
GO Term
Description: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a drug, any naturally occurring or synthetic substance, other than a nutrient, that, when administered or applied to an organism, affects the structure or functioning of the organism; in particular, any such substance used in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of magnesium (Mg) ions from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of magnesium (Mg) ions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
GO Term
Description: Enables the transfer of metal ions from one side of a membrane to the other.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: an alpha-L-fucoside + H2O = an alcohol + L-fucose.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid), a sulfur-containing, essential amino acid found in peptide linkage in proteins.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribose + ATP = S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + ADP + 2 H(+).
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures comprising microtubules and their associated proteins.
GO Term
Description: Either of the ends of a spindle, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules.
GO Term
Description: An intracellular structure that can catalyze gamma-tubulin-dependent microtubule nucleation and that can anchor microtubules by interacting with their minus ends, plus ends or sides.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: histone N6-acetyl-L-lysine + H2O = histone L-lysine + acetate. This reaction represents the removal of an acetyl group from a histone, a class of proteins complexed to DNA in chromatin and chromosomes.
GO Term
Description: The modification of histones by removal of acetyl groups.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein or peptide by hydrolysis of its peptide bonds, initiated by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, and mediated by the proteasome.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: 3-carboxy-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoate + NAD+ = 3-carboxy-4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + NADH + H+.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of leucine, 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid.
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