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Category: OntologyTerm
Type Details Score
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Description: The proteasome is a multisubunit structure that degrades proteins. Protein degradation is an essential component of regulation because proteins can become misfolded, damaged, or unnecessary. Proteasomes and their homologues vary greatly in complexity: from HslV (heat shock locus v), which is encoded by 1 gene in bacteria, to the eukaryotic 20S proteasome, which is encoded by more than 14 genes [1]. Recently evidence of two novel groups of bacterial proteasomes was proposed. The first is Anbu, which is sparsely distributed among cyanobacteria and proteobacteria [1]. The second is call beta-proteobacteria proteasome homologue (BPH) [1].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family of proteins are functionally uncharacterised. This family is only found in eukaryotes. This presumed domain is typically between 285 to 342 amino acids in length.
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Description: This family represents the N-terminus (approximately 300 residues) of a number of plant and fungal glyoxal oxidase enzymes. Glyoxal oxidase catalyses the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids, coupled with reduction of dioxygen to hydrogen peroxide. It is an essential component of the extracellular lignin degradation pathways of the wood-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium [1].
Ontology Term
Description: E or 'early' set domains are associated with the catalytic domain of galactose oxidase at the C-terminal end. Galactose oxidase is an extracellular monomeric enzyme which catalyzes the stereospecific oxidation of a broad range of primary alcohol substrates, and possesses a unique mononuclear copper site essential for catalysing a two-electron transfer reaction during the oxidation of primary alcohols to corresponding aldehydes. The second redox active centre necessary for the reaction was found to be situated at a tyrosine residue. The C-terminal domain of galactose oxidase may be related to the immunoglobulin and/or fibronectin type III superfamilies. These domains are associated with different types of catalytic domains at either the N-terminal or C-terminal end, and may be involved in homodimeric/tetrameric/dodecameric interactions. Members of this family adopt a secondary structure consisting of a bundle of seven, mostly antiparallel, beta-strands surrounding a hydrophobic core. The 7 strands are arranged in 2 sheets, in a Greek-key topology [1]. This domain is found in sugar-utilising enzymes, such as galactose oxidase or chitinase [2-6].
Ontology Term
Description: The SEC-C motif found in the C-terminus of the SecA protein, in the middle of some SWI2 ATPases and also solo in several proteins. The motif is predicted to chelate zinc with the CXC and C[HC] pairs that constitute the most conserved feature of the motif. It is predicted to be a potential nucleic acid binding domain.
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Description: The terminal step of triacylglycerol (TAG) formation is catalysed by the enzyme diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DAGAT) [1,2].
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Description: This family contains alpha/beta hydrolase enzymes of diverse specificity.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family includes a wide range of enzymes which transfer nucleotides onto phosphosugars.
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Description: This domain of unknown function is found at the C-terminus of several translation initiation factors [1].
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Description: Na/H antiporters are key transporters in maintaining the pH of actively metabolising cells. The molecular mechanisms of antiport are unclear. These antiporters contain 10-12 transmembrane regions (M) at the amino-terminus and a large cytoplasmic region at the carboxyl terminus. The transmembrane regions M3-M12 share identity with other members of the family. The M6 and M7 regions are highly conserved. Thus, this is thought to be the region that is involved in the transport of sodium and hydrogen ions. The cytoplasmic region has little similarity throughout the family.
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Description: superoxide dismutases (SODs) catalyse the conversion of superoxide radicals to hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen. Three evolutionarily distinct families of SODs are known, of which the copper/zinc-binding family is one. Defects in the human SOD1 gene cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). Structure is an eight-stranded beta sandwich, similar to the immunoglobulin fold.
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Description: This is a region of 280 amino acids from a group of proteins conserved from plants to humans. It is predicted to be a membrane protein but its function is otherwise unknown.
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Description: A 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group is attached through a serine. This prosthetic group acts as a a 'swinging arm' for the attachment of activated fatty acid and amino-acid groups. This domain forms a four helix bundle. This family includes members not included in Prosite. The inclusion of these members is supported by sequence analysis and functional evidence. The related domain of Swiss:P19828 has the attachment serine replaced by an alanine.
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Description: TRAPP plays a key role in the targeting and/or fusion of ER-to-Golgi transport vesicles with their acceptor compartment. TRAPP is a large multimeric protein that contains at least 10 subunits. This family contains many TRAPP family proteins. The Bet3 subunit is one of the better characterised TRAPP proteins and has a dimeric structure [2] with hydrophobic channels. The channel entrances are located on a putative membrane-interacting surface that is distinctively flat, wide and decorated with positively charged residues. Bet3 is proposed to localise TRAPP to the Golgi [2].
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Description: DnaJ domains (J-domains) are associated with hsp70 heat-shock system and it is thought that this domain mediates the interaction. DnaJ-domain is therefore part of a chaperone (protein folding) system. The T-antigens, although not in Prosite are confirmed as DnaJ containing domains from literature [2].
Ontology Term
Description: This presumed domain is functionally uncharacterised. This domain is found in eukaryotes. This domain is about 210 amino acids in length. This domain is found associated with Pfam:PF00226. This domain has two conserved sequence motifs: FSH and FSH.
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family represents a conserved region approximately 220 residues long within eukaryotic copines. Copines are Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins that are thought to be involved in membrane-trafficking, and may also be involved in cell division and growth [1].
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Description: This entry refers to the DHHC domain, found in DHHC proteins which are palmitoyltransferases [1]. Palmitoylation or, more specifically S-acylation, plays important roles in the regulation of protein localization, stability, and activity. It is a post-translational protein modification that involves the attachment of palmitic acid to Cys residues through a thioester linkage. Protein acyltransferases (PATs), also known as palmitoyltransferases, catalyze this reaction by transferring the palmitoyl group from palmitoyl-CoA to the thiol group of Cys residues. They are characterized by the presence of a 50-residue-long domain called the DHHC domain, which in most but not all cases is also cysteine-rich and gets its name from a highly conserved DHHC signature tetrapeptide (Asp-His-His-Cys). The Cys residue within the DHHC domain forms a stable acyl intermediate and transfers the acyl chain to the Cys residues of a target protein [2][3]. Some proteins containing a DHHC domain include Drosophila DNZ1 protein [4], Mouse Abl-philin 2 (Aph2) protein [5], Mammalian ZDHHC9 [6], Yeast ankyrin repeat-containing protein AKR1 [7], Yeast Erf2 protein [8], and Arabidopsis thaliana tip growth defective 1 [9].
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Description: NULL
Ontology Term
Description: The histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domain is a novel protein module with an active histidine residue that mediates phosphotransfer reactions in the two-component signaling systems. A multistep phosphorelay involving the HPt domain has been suggested for these signaling pathways. The crystal structure of the HPt domain of the anaerobic sensor kinase ArcB has been determined [1]. The domain consists of six alpha helices containing a four-helix bundle-folding. The pattern of sequence similarity of the HPt domains of ArcB and components in other signaling systems can be interpreted in light of the three-dimensional structure and supports the conclusion that the HPt domains have a common structural motif both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In S. cerevisiae ypd1p this domain has been shown to contain a binding surface for Ssk1p (response regulator receiver domain containing protein Pfam:PF00072) [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: This family consists of several hypothetical plant proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa. The function of this family is unknown.
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: NULL
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Description: The D-amino acid transferases (D-AAT) are required by bacteria to catalyse the synthesis of D-glutamic acid and D-alanine, which are essential constituents of bacterial cell wall and are the building block for other D-amino acids. Despite the difference in the structure of the substrates, D-AATs and L-ATTs have strong similarity.
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Description: NULL
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Description: Translocation of polypeptide chains across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane is triggered by signal sequences. During translocation of the nascent chain through the membrane, the signal sequence of most secretory and membrane proteins is cleaved off. Cleavage occurs by the signal peptidase complex (SPC) which consists of four subunits in yeast and five in mammals. This family is common to yeast and mammals [1,2].
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Ontology Term
Description: This is a family of sodium/calcium exchanger integral membrane proteins. This family covers the integral membrane regions of the proteins. Sodium/calcium exchangers regulate intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in many cells; cardiac myocytes, epithelial cells, neurons retinal rod photoreceptors and smooth muscle cells [2]. Ca2+ is moved into or out of the cytosol depending on Na+ concentration [2]. In humans and rats there are 3 isoforms; NCX1 NCX2 and NCX3 [1] see Swiss:Q01728, Swiss:P48768 and Swiss:P70549 respectively.
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Description: This family includes archaebacterial histones and histone like transcription factors from eukaryotes.
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Description: This family includes homoserine kinases, galactokinases and mevalonate kinases.
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Description: This family contains a wide variety of dehydrogenases.
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Description: This domain is found in Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductases.
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Description: The Yip1 integral membrane domain contains four transmembrane alpha helices. The domain is characterised by the motifs DLYGP and GY. The Yip1 protein is a golgi protein involved in vesicular transport that interacts with GTPases [1].
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Description: Rrp15p is required for the formation of 60S ribosomal subunits [1].
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Description: NULL
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Description: This domain has 3' to 5' exonuclease activity and adopts a ribonuclease H type fold.
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Description: This region of DNA polymerase B appears to consist of more than one structural domain, possibly including elongation, DNA-binding and dNTP binding activities.
Ontology Term
Description: In fission yeast this zinc-finger domain appears is the region of Pol3 that binds directly to the B-subunit, Cdc1 [1]. Pol delta is a hetero-tetrameric enzyme comprising four evolutionarily well-conserved proteins: the catalytic subunit Pol3 and three smaller subunits Cdc1, Cdc27 and Cdm1 [2].
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Description: NULL
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Description: DIRP (Domain in Rb-related Pathway) is postulated to be involved in the Rb-related pathway, which is encoded by multiple eukaryotic genomes and is present in proteins including lin-9 of Caenorhabditis elegans, aly of fruit fly and mustard weed. Studies of lin-9 and aly of fruit fly proteins containing DIRP suggest that this domain might be involved in development. Aly, lin-9, act in parallel to, or downstream of, activation of MAPK by the RTK-Ras signalling pathway.
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Ontology Term
Description: CBS domains are small intracellular modules that pair together to form a stable globular domain [2]. This family represents a single CBS domain. Pairs of these domains have been termed a Bateman domain [6]. CBS domains have been shown to bind ligands with an adenosyl group such as AMP, ATP and S-AdoMet [5]. CBS domains are found attached to a wide range of other protein domains suggesting that CBS domains may play a regulatory role making proteins sensitive to adenosyl carrying ligands. The region containing the CBS domains in Cystathionine-beta synthase is involved in regulation by S-AdoMet [4]. CBS domain pairs from AMPK bind AMP or ATP [5]. The CBS domains from IMPDH and the chloride channel CLC2 bind ATP [5].
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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
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