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Search results 1 to 100 out of 477 for oil

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Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Protein Domain
Name: Oil body-associated protein-like
Type: Family
Description: This entry includes a group of oil body associated proteins (OBAPs) from plants and some uncharacterised proteins from fungi and bacteria. The plant obap proteins are predominantly expressed during embryo development and may be involved in the stability of oil bodies [ ].
Ontology Term
Description: Oil content of soybean seed
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Protein Domain
Name: Oleosin
Type: Family
Description: Oleosins [ ] are the proteinaceous components of plants' lipid storage bodiescalled oil bodies. Oil bodies are small droplets (0.2 to 1.5 mu-m in diameter) containing mostly triacylglycerol that are surrounded by a phospholipid/oleosin annulus. Oleosins may have a structural role in stabilising the lipid body during dessication of the seed, by preventing coalescence of the oil.They may also provide recognition signals for specific lipase anchorage in lipolysis during seedling growth. Oleosins are found in the monolayer lipid/water interface of oil bodies and probably interact with both the lipid and phospholipid moieties.Oleosins are proteins of 16 Kd to 24 Kd and are composed of three domains: an N-terminal hydrophilic region of variable length (from 30 to 60 residues); acentral hydrophobic domain of about 70 residues and a C-terminal amphipathic region of variable length (from 60 to 100 residues). The central hydrophobicdomain is proposed to be made up of β-strand structure and to interact with the lipids []. It is the only domain whose sequenceis conserved.
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
GO Term
Description: A leucoplast in which oil is stored.
Ontology Term
Description: A gland or a cavity lined with cells that secrete oils.
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term
Description: Stearic acid content of the seed oil i.e., stearic acid weight per total oil weight of the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Oleic acid content of the seed oil i.e., palmitic acid weight per total oil weight of the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Palmitic acid content of the seed oil i.e., palmitic acid weight per total oil weight of the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Linolenic acid content of the seed oil i.e., linolenic acid weight per total oil weight of the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Linoleic acid content of the seed oil i.e., linoleic acid weight per total oil weight of the seed
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term
Description: Oil content of a seed.
Ontology Term
Description: Divide the oil content by the protein content. For this calculation, the oil and protein contents must be expressed in the same unit
Protein Domain
Name: Phospholipase A1 PLIP1/2/3, chloroplastic
Type: Family
Description: This entry includes a group of plant glycerolipid A1 lipases, including PLIP1/2/3 from Arabidopsis. PLIP1 is a plastid phospholipase A1 that releases polyunsaturated fatty acids from chloroplast phosphatidylglycerol, leading to the export of the fatty acids to the ER for seed oil biosynthesis [ ]. PLIP2/3 are also present in the chloroplasts. They respond to ABA and are involved in jasmonic acid biosynthesis [].
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term Synonym
Type: synonym
Ontology Term
Description: Ratio of oil content to protein content of the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Ratio of Oil to protein by weight in a seed.
Ontology Term
Description: Linoleic acid as a percent of total oil in a seed.
Ontology Term
Description: Linolenic acid as a percent of oil extracted from a seed.
Ontology Term
Description: Stearic acid as a percent of total oil extracted from seeds.
GO Term
Description: A subcellular organelle of plant cells surrounded by 'half-unit' or a monolayer membrane instead of the more usual bilayer. The storage body has a droplet of triglyceride surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids, interacting with the triglycerides and the hydrophilic head groups facing the cytosol, and containing major protein components called oleosins.
Ontology Term
Description: A cell containing glucosinolates ("mustard oil glucosides") and myrosinases, enzymes hydrolyzing the glucosinolates.
Ontology Term
Description: Measures the fat and essential oil content in a plant or plant part.
Ontology Term
Description: Measure the content of stearic acid in the oil extracted from the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Measure the content of oleic acid in the oil extracted from the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Measure the content of palmitic acid in the oil extracted from the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Measure the content of linolenic acid in the oil extracted from the seed
Ontology Term
Description: Measure the content of linoleic acid in the oil extracted from the seed
Protein Domain
Name: Triacylglycerol lipase, N-terminal
Type: Domain
Description: This is an N-terminal domain that is found adjacent to the patatin/phospholipase A2-related domain (see ) in a group of proteins. Proteins containing this domain include Tgl3/4/5 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tgl3 is a bifunctional triacylglycerol lipase and lysophospholipid acyltransferase [ ]. Tgl4/5 are multifunctional lipase/hydrolase/phospholipases [, ]. They are generally involved in triacylglycerol mobilisation and localized to lipid particles [, ].This entry also includes plant sugar-dependent 1 (SDP1) protein, which is a triacylglycerol lipase that initiates storage oil breakdown in germinating Arabidopsis seeds [ , ].
Ontology Term
Description: The stearic acid content in the essential oils present in or extracted from a plant or the plant part such as seed.
Ontology Term
Description: Weigh the amount of extracted oil from seed after harvest and divide by the seed dry weight
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term  
Ontology Term  
GO Term
Description: A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a seed oilbody. Seed oilbodies are simple organelles comprising a matrix of triglyceride surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer embedded and covered with unique proteins called oleosins. Seed oilbodies supply the energy requirements for the growth of the seedling after germination.
Ontology Term
Description: The oleic acid content in the essential oils present in or extracted from a plant or the plant part such as seed.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving naphthalene, a fused ring bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbon commonly found in crude oil and oil products. Naphthalene is familiar as the compound that gives mothballs their odor; it is used in the manufacture of plastics, dyes, solvents, and other chemicals, as well as being used as an antiseptic and insecticide.
Protein Domain
Name: Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
Type: Family
Description: Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) catalyses the final step in triacylglycerol synthesis by using diacylglycerol and fatty acyl CoA as substrates. In plants, diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1, TAG1) is a major enzyme for oil accumulation in seeds. It has complementary functions with PDAT1 acyltransferase that are essential for triacylglycerol synthesis and normal development of both seeds and pollen [ , , , , ].In mammals, DGAT1 is a multifunctional acyltransferase capable of synthesizing diacylglycerol, retinyl, and wax esters in addition to triacylglycerol [ ]. In liver, it plays a role in esterifying exogenous fatty acids to glycerol []. It also functions as the major acyl-CoA retinol acyltransferase in the skin, where it acts to maintain retinoid homeostasis and prevent retinoid toxicity leading to skin and hair disorders [].
Ontology Term
Description: The linoleic acid content in the essential oils present in or extracted from a plant or the plant part such as seed.
Ontology Term
Description: The amount of total seed weight of a seed that is composed of oils and protein.
Protein Domain
Name: 11-S seed storage protein, plant
Type: Family
Description: Plant seed storage proteins, whose principal function appears to be the major nitrogen source for the developing plant, can be classified, on the basis oftheir structure, into different families. 11S-type globulins are non-glycosylated proteins which form hexameric structures [ , ]. Each of the subunits in the hexamer is itself composed of an acidic and a basic chain derived from a single precursor and linked by a disulphide bond. This structure is shown in the followingrepresentation. +-------------------------+ | |xxxxxxxxxxxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNGxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |------Acidic-subunit-------------||-----Basic-subunit------||-----------------About-480-to-500-residues-----------------| 'C': conserved cysteine involved in a disulphide bond.Members of the 11-S family include pea and broad bean legumins, oil seed rapecruciferin, rice glutelins, cotton beta-globulins, soybean glycinins, pumpkin 11-S globulin, oat globulin, sunflower helianthinin G3, etc.This family represents the precursor protein which is cleaved into the two chains. These proteins contain two β-barrel domains.This family is a member of the 'cupin' superfamily on the basis of their conserved barrel domain ('cupa' is the Latin termfor a small barrel).
GO Term
Description: A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an elaioplast, a leucoplast in which oil is stored.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving phenylethylamine, an amine with pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamine, occurs naturally as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and is present in chocolate and oil of bitter almonds.
Protein Domain
Name: 11-S seed storage protein, conserved site
Type: Conserved_site
Description: Plant seed storage proteins, whose principal function appears to be the major nitrogen source for the developing plant, can be classified, on the basis oftheir structure, into different families. 11-S are non-glycosylated proteins which form hexameric structures [, ]. Each of the subunits in the hexamer isitself composed of an acidic and a basic chain derived from a single precursor and linked by a disulphide bond. This structure is shown in the followingrepresentation. +-------------------------+ | |xxxxxxxxxxxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNGxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |------Acidic-subunit-------------||-----Basic-subunit------||-----------------About-480-to-500-residues-----------------| 'C': conserved cysteine involved in a disulphide bond.Members of the 11-S family include pea and broad bean legumins, oil seed rapecruciferin, rice glutelins, cotton beta-globulins, soybean glycinins, pumpkin 11-S globulin, oat globulin, sunflower helianthinin G3, etc.This family represents the precursor protein which is cleaved into the two chains. These proteins contain two β-barrel domains.This family is a member of the 'cupin' superfamily on the basis of their conserved barrel domain ('cupa' is the Latin termfor a small barrel). The signature pattern for this family includes the conserved cleavage site between the acidic and basic subunits (Asn-Gly) and a proximal cysteine residue which is involved in the inter-chain disulphide bond.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving pyridine, a nitrogenous base (C5H5N) obtained from the distillation of bone oil or coal tar, and by the decomposition of certain alkaloids, as a colorless liquid with a peculiar pungent odor.
Ontology Term  
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of phenylethylamine, an amine with pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamine, occurs naturally as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and is present in chocolate and oil of bitter almonds.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of phenylethylamine, an amine with pharmacological properties similar to those of amphetamine, occurs naturally as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and is present in chocolate and oil of bitter almonds.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of pyridine, a nitrogenous base (C5H5N) obtained from the distillation of bone oil or coal tar, and by the decomposition of certain alkaloids, as a colorless liquid with a peculiar pungent odor.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of pyridine, a nitrogenous base (C5H5N) obtained from the distillation of bone oil or coal tar, and by the decomposition of certain alkaloids, as a colorless liquid with a peculiar pungent odor.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving dibenzothiophene, a substance composed of two benzene rings linked by one sulfide bond and one carbon-carbon bond. Dibenzothiophene derivatives can be detected in diesel oil following hydrodesulfurization treatment to remove sulfur compounds that would otherwise generate sulfur oxides during combustion.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving fluorene, a tricyclic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a five-membered ring. It is a major component of fossil fuels and their derivatives and is also a by-product of coal-conversion and energy-related industries. It is commonly found in vehicle exhaust emissions, crude oils, motor oils, coal and oil combustion products, waste incineration, and industrial effluents.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of fluorene, a tricyclic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a five-membered ring. It is a major component of fossil fuels and their derivatives and is also a by-product of coal-conversion and energy-related industries. It is commonly found in vehicle exhaust emissions, crude oils, motor oils, coal and oil combustion products, waste incineration, and industrial effluents.
GO Term
Description: The single layer of phopholipids surrounding a lipid storage body.
Data Set
Description: Soybean is globally cultivated primarily for its protein and oil. The protein and oil contents of the seeds are quantitatively inherited traits determined by the interaction of numerous genes. In order to gain a better understanding of the molecular foundation of soybean protein and oil content for the marker-assisted selection (MAS) of high quality traits, a population of 185 soybean germplasms was evaluated to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the seed protein and oil contents. Using specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) technology, a total of 12,072 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.05 were detected across the 20 chromosomes (Chr), with a marker density of 78.7 kbp. A total of 31 SNPs located on 12 of the 20 soybean chromosomes were correlated with seed protein and oil content. Of the 31 SNPs that were associated with the two target traits, 31 beneficial alleles were identified. Two SNP markers, namely rs15774585 and rs15783346 on Chr 07, were determined to be related to seed oil content both in 2015 and 2016. Three SNP markers, rs53140888 on Chr 01, rs19485676 on Chr 13, and rs24787338 on Chr 20 were correlated with seed protein content both in 2015 and 2016. These beneficial alleles may potentially contribute towards the MAS of favorable soybean protein and oil characteristics.
Licence: ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
DataSource: LIS Datastore
Data Set
Description: Further information provided in 10.1007/bf00226905
Licence: ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
DataSource: LIS Datastore
Data Set
Description: Further information provided in 10.1007/s10681-006-9179-3
Licence: ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
DataSource: LIS Datastore
Data Set
Description: Further information provided in 10.2135/cropsci2014.04.0280
Licence: ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
DataSource: LIS Datastore
Data Set
Description: Further information provided in 10.2135/cropsci1997.0011183x003700020011x
Licence: ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
DataSource: LIS Datastore
First Author: Diers, B. W.
Title: RFLP analysis of soybean seed protein and oil content
Year: 1992
Journal: Theoret. Appl. Genetics
Volume: 83
Pages: 608-612
PMID: 24202678
First Author: Panthee, D. R.
Title: Modifier QTL for fatty acid composition in soybean oil
Year: 2006
Journal: Euphytica
Volume: 152
Pages: 67-73
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: A81356022_x_PI468916.qtl.Diers_Keim_1992
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: BSR101_x_LG82-8379.qtl.Kabelka_Diers_2004
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Charleston_x_Dongnong.qtl.Qi_Wu_2011
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: DongNong46_x_KenJian23.qtl.Mao_Jiang_2013
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Essex_x_Williams.qtl.Hyten_Pantalone_2004b
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Hefeng25_x_MapleArrow.qtl.Li_Sun_2010
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Jindou23_x_Huibuzhi.qtl.LIANG_YU_2010
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: KefengNo1_x_1138-2.qtl.Gai_Wang_2007
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: KefengNo1_x_Nannong1138-2.qtl.Zhang_Wang_2004
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Keunolkong_x_Iksan10.qtl.Kim_Kim_2010
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: KF1_x_NN1138-2.qtl.Li_Zhao_2011
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Lineage69_x_Tucunare.qtl.Leite_Pinheiro_2016
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: M82806_x_HHP.qtl.Brummer_Graef_1997
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: MaBelle_x_Proto.qtl.Csanádi_Vollmann_2001
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: MD96-5722_x_Spencer.qtl.Akond_Liu_2014
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Minsoy_x_Archer.qtl.Orf_Chase_1999a
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Minsoy_x_Noir1.qtl.Specht_Chase_2001
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: Misuzudaizu_x_MoshidouGong503.qtl.Tajuddin_Watanabe_2003
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: mixed.qtl.Pathan_Vuong_2013
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: mixed.qtl.Qi_Wu_2011
Name: Seed oil
QTL Study: N87-984-16_x_TN93-99.qtl.Panthee_Pantalone_2005
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The Legume Information System (LIS) is a research project of the USDA-ARS:Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research in Ames, IA.
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