Ontology Term : Pfam:PF08524 rRNA processing EMBL-EBI

Description  This is a family of proteins that are involved in rRNA processing [1]. In a localisation study they were found to localise to the nucleus and nucleolus [2]. The family also includes other metazoa members from plants to mammals where the protein has been named BR22 and is associated with TTF-1, thyroid transcription factor 1 [3]. In the lungs, the family binds TTF-1 to form a complex which influences the expression of the key lung surfactant protein-B (SP-B) and -C (SP-C), the small hydrophobic surfactant proteins that maintain surface tension in alveoli [4].
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55 Data Sets

Trail: OntologyTerm

1 Ontology

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212 Ontology Annotations

Trail: OntologyTerm

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